Chapter 17: Happy to See You...I Guess

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The sun was rising now.

The sky was no longer black, I could see what I was doing much better.

I'm guessing I've been climbing for at least an hour-it sure feels like it! I've nearly reaches the top now, but there is not much point going up further since nothing's here.

My hands are burning from gripping the rock and sweat is dripping down my face, probably helping getting rid of that boy's remaining blood from my face. Normally this would make me shudder but now that I'm in here, The Hunger Games- a little blood is the least of my worries. Now it doesn't really bother me at all.

I could feel either sweat or blood drip onto the deep cut on my chin. Whichever one it was-or both, it made the cut burn painfully. I know that leaving the wound open could get it infected, but there's nothing that I can do about it. I stop and dab the cut carefully with my jacket sleeve.

If my parents used a sponser-since it's the start of the Games so it won't be so expensive, they could send a medical kit of some sort. I stop climbing and sit on a small rock that was just the right size to rest on, leaning against it completely worn out from climbing for hours.

"Please," I mouthe.

Talking in the sunset making the sky a beautiful pink, I look at the Games landscape since I hadn't been able to see it before. I was overwhelmed by how disgustingly breathtaking it was. There was two more mountains next to the one I was climbing which where both much larger. Also strait ahead, I could see the forest stretching out for miles which went around in a semi circle around the starting place with the cornucopia meeting the other end of the snowy mountains.

Someone must of went to the mountains, not just me. Surly I cannot be the only one. Looking around the mountain, there is nothing around here at all.

Food, no.

Water, no.

Anything useful at all, nada.

I decide to start climbing down the mountain now, gripping my bag pack around my shoulders with one hand so it wouldn't fall. So I wouldn't fall. Nothing here seemed of use and anyway, I need to find an ally or some food and water but the mountain
I'm on seems like more of a wasteland. I still don't know how I'm going to get past the track end and where to go.

My stomach starts rumbling from only having breakfast yesterday. it's been rumbling for hours. I'm so hungry! It's only been a full day and I feel like I'm going to starve to death.

Before I can stop myself, I grab the packet of plain biscuits from my bag and count them up in the transparent wrapper while holding on to the mountain ledge with my left hand. Six. Six measly biscuits. I open the packet and devour two of the biscuits, too hungry to taste the golden goodness. They leave a tangy aftertaste in my mouth...ginger.

I lip my lips from the remaining crumbs, wanting more. Before I reach out for one more biscuit, I shove them in my bag, stopping myself. I need to save them for when I really need them. When it becomes life or death and ends up saving me.

I decide to climb down now to get fresh water.


It takes a while, but I've finally reached the bottom of the mountain.

My hands and leg has been cut slightly on the way down but I'm happy to finally be off the mountain feeling slightly safer.

As I get a drink container out of my bag, I can hear footsteps-crap!

Without even thinking of what I should do, I retrive my pocket knife from my bag pack and rush behind a rock beside the lake, leaving my bag by mistake, it's too late to get it now. I keep one eye peeking out so I can see who's there but immediately hide again after I see just black boots kicking the snow.

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