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Authors Point of View

He knew he had to have her. After talking to a parade of women that night, none of them could compare to her radiant beauty and those midnight blue eyes were so captivating.

Alexander Piers was known for his scandalous bedroom affairs but even when women knew this about him they still couldn't resist him. Maybe it was for his wealth but he wouldn't know that because he never spent more than a few days or even a night with them and that was how he attained the name 'The beast'.

Victoria Hunter was in his bed naked. Her long red-blond hair scattered all over his silk sheets. Her radiant sun tanned skin glowed while the sun shone through the window.

Alexander's groin began to tighten as he watched her the events of last night were still fresh in his memory, her nail digging in his back.

Christ he had the marks to prove it.

Her vigorous moans along with her wanton behaviors made her seem so inexperienced he would think she's a...

No persons aren't virgins anymore; well not at her age. She looked to be twenty-four.

His muscles tensed thinking about last night. She screamed his name in ecstasy. He wanted her even more now and she wasn't leaving until he was satisfied. He brushed a few strands of her hair out of her face.

God she was beautiful.

He got out of bed and headed for the bathroom. He really needed a shower to ease the the tension from his groin and muscles.

Tori woke up feeling incredibly sore all over. Last night she was a virgin and now she...

The memories came crashing down on her as she jumped out of the bed as if it was on fire.

God why me?

She slept with Alexander Piers, multi-billionaire playboy this was bad. Tori slipped on her clothes and began gathering her things. The images were flashing before her eyes.

What was she thinking but that was it. She wasn't thinking.

She held her pair of dark heels in her hand looking around if anyone was watching. She then took her time to sneak out of the hotel room slamming the door shut behind her.

Hearing the door slam Alexander came out of the shower in a sweat pants hanging below his waist, his thick black lush hair wet and disarrayed. His firm muscles still wet as water continued dripping off his skin running down his fully outlined abs and continued beneath his waist line into his sweats as his back muscles rippled. Leaning against the door frame his silver eyes roamed over to the bed noticing it was now empty.

"So she left without a goodbye," He combed his fingers through his hair and smiled very seductively.

He would have Victoria Hunter in his bed again. Maybe not now but soon.


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