Chapter Twenty-one

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Victoria's Point of view

Have you ever just walked and not know where you are going? Well that's what I was doing right now.

I felt awful as if someone was squeezing my heat. How could I have been so callous towards him. I wouldn't be angry with Alex if he dumped me. I stopped walking and took a deep breath.

Arms appeared as if out of nowhere and wrapped around my torso. I didn't have to look to see who it was. Only he smelt so good.

"I love you, you know that right?" It wasn't a question, it was a statement. He turned me around to look him into his eyes.

I saw admiration, compassion and love. I really didn't deserve him.

Tears began to gather in my eyes. "I'm sorry Alex, I'm so sorry, I should have believed you." Sobs racked my body.

He caressed my cheek. "Sh... It's okay sweetheart I forgive you."

"B-but I was so mean towards you, I even-"

"It's in the past tesoro, let's leave it at that."

I sniffed "Okay."

"Now come along we have our baby to go check up on."

We walked back into the operating room to find it empty with only Nate their.

"Where are they?"

"Well, Amelia left while Tay had to catch his flight back to Seattle." Nate explained. "Now if you don't mind, I still have to do your sonogram."

I released Alex's hand and walked over to the operating table.

"Lay down and feet's up." I did what he said as Alexander sat beside me holding my hand.

I pulled up my shirt as took up the jell. I shivered as it was placed on my stomach. I tensed when the transducer placed on my stomach and he moved it around.

"Just relax while I try to find your fetus, since your in you second trimester I'm also able to tell you the sex of your baby." He continued to tell us about the baby, how we should have regular check ups and I should continue to eat healthy. "There's your fetus and you can also hear it's heartbeat-" He paused for a moment. "That does seem right." He looked slightly worried.

I tightened my hold on Alex's hand and began to panic. "Alex, what's wrong with our baby?" I began loving to get a better look at the screen. Please don't make me lose my baby. Alex looked worried but he continued to assure me everything was alright. Maybe he was trying not to panic as well but it still didn't help.

Tears began to fall from my eyes. "Alex?"

"Sh... It's okay tesoro."

"It seems that you aren't having a baby-"

"What the fuck!" Alex released my hand to grab Nate.

"Wait!" Alex stopped what he was about to do. "I wasn't done talking, you aren't having one baby, your having twins."

I immediately stopped crying as Alexander plopped back down into his chair.

"I'll give you two sometime alone to digest this." He walked out the room and closed the door.

We stayed their not sure what to say.

"Where having twin's?" He spoke in disbelief.

"Yeah." I spoke a little unsure. I still wanted to have my babies. Even if we were having twin's. I'm sure we could still manage.


"Yes Alex."


Okay this was seriously getting frustrating. I turned to shout at him that yes we're having twins. But I saw the biggest smile I'd ever seen on Alex's face.

"Your happy?"

"Of course I'm happy, why wouldn't be, the woman I love most in the world is having not one but two babies for me." He got up of the chair and kissed me.

Well that wasn't expected. I began to kiss him back.

"Ahem." We broke apart as we saw a grinning Nate at the door. "I have the gender results."

"And?" I asked.

"It's a boy and a girl"


Don't think the story ends here people their is still more to come. So set back, relax and enjoy.

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