Chapter Twenty-eight

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Alexander's point of view

I rushed through the doors of the hospital running to the front desk. My tie hand long been discarded as well as my hair looked like faced World War two.

A girl stood at the desk typing on her computer.

"Where's Victoria Hunter?"

"Sir could you please calm down?" She looked at me rolling her eyes.

"Look little girl tell me where my fucking fiance is or so help me god I'll sue this hospital for all its worth!" She looked at me as if I was bluffing.

"Oh really and you are?"

"Alexander Piers." Her eyes widened at my name.

"I'm sorry sir," She looked scared. "Your fiance is currently in the Intensive care unit but-"

I didn't wait for her to finish as I ran to the elevator. The doors opened as I pressed the button to go to the farthest regions of the hospital. If she was in the ICU then her condition was crucial.

The doors opened as I went to another desk. This time smolder lady stood behind the desk.

"How can I help you?"

"My fiance Victoria Hunter was said to be here." She began typing on her computer.

"I'm sorry sir but she's currently going to have a C-section, I'm sorry I don't know anything else you'll have to wait for the doctor to come see you. You can sit over their and wait."

I walked over to the chair and sat down. Oh God! Why did she have to have a C-section? Is she going to loose the babies?

God if your listening please watch over our babies and Tori.

The doors to the room suddenly opened as my mom and dad with almost a hundred other person's rushed it. I guess some of my family must have heard.

"Alexander, my baby." She ran over and hugged me. Her hands went to my cheeks and wiped away my tears. I only just realised I was crying. My dad walked over and placed a hand on my shoulder.

"It'll be okay my boy."

"Excuse me but so much of you can't be in here!" The desk woman shouted as we all ignored her.

"Where is Anthony and the rest of the guys?"

"Their looking for her as we speak they should call you when they find here." He rubbed my back trying to comfort me.

"So much of you can't be in here!" Why doesn't that lady shut up?

The room leading to the surgical section opened as a man in a white coat stepped out.

"Family of Victoria Hunter?" He asked.

We all stood up and walked to him. "Close family only-"

"We're all close family." My mom interrupted him.

"And you are?" He raised a brow.

"Her future mother-in-law."

"So who's her fiance?"

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