Chapter Sixteen

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Victoria's Point of view

I woke up the next morning with Alexander's hand over my stomach. My face became flushed as I remembered last night.

He must think I'm a freak, I removed his hand and got up on wobbly legs. I ached in so many places. I made my way to the bathroom and filled up the tub. I slowly slipped inside of it relaxing. This felt so good. The bathroom door opened revealing Alex in all his naked glory. My cheeks became flushed as I tried to look everywhere else but below his waist. I felt him slip into the water and pulled me his lap. I could feel his friend poking me.

He kissed my neck and gently began nipping it. I closed my eyes and released a loud moan as his hand slowly descended towards my stomach rubbing it.

"I want you to meet my mom." I opened my eyes and turned slightly to look at him.

"Are you sure?" He raised my hand with the engagement ring on it and kissed it gently.

"I'm positive." He looked at me with love and admiration.

"Okay." He smiled and returned to kissing my neck. His hand moved from my stomach to between my legs.

"Alex stop." I moaned out.

"Te amo dolce," I loved when he spoke Italian.

"What does that mean?" His fingers moved over lower.

"It means I love you." He continued to kiss me. When his fingers reached my clitoris. I wanted to scream. His fingers slowly probed my folds reaching unimaginable places.

"Should I stop?" He whispered nipping my ear slightly.

"No," I panted "Don't stop!"

I slowly rode his finger until I climaxed. "Oh God that was wonderful."

He kissed my neck. "I know." He gently eased me off his lap and and got out.

"Where are you going?"

"No where I'm just going to allow you to take a shower." He began to walkout the door.


He turned around with a smirk on his face "Yes?"

My face became heated. "I want you to shower with me." He chuckled and came back to the tub. Let's just say we went for a couple repeats of last night.


We drove up to the mansion that I was first introduced to Julie. The limo stopped as both Alexander and I got out. He took me by the hand and lead me to the front door.

The door opened revealing an elderly woman in a servants outfit. When she saw Alexander a large smile broke out on her face.

"Alexander, vostro qui, tua mamma Saŕa cosiì felice"

Alexander, your here, your mama will be so happy.

"Ciao Nana" he kissed her on the cheek and gave her a hug.

Hello Nana

She turned and looked at me. Her eyes lighted up instantly. "È che la o sua?, lei è vernamente bella."

Is that her? she really is beautiful.

Alexander turned around and smiled at me. I really wish I understood what they were saying. He must of seen my look of confusion.

"She said you were beautiful." he walked over and kissed my forehead.

"How do I say thank you"

"You want to speak Italian?" I nodded. "To say thank you, you say Grazie"

I turned towards her and smiled. "Grazie,"

She smiled at me. "Diro a tua mamma tua qui."

Alexander began to lead me inside the house. We walked into a living room.

"Are you nervous?" He took both my hands in his.

"Yes." He gave me a small peek on the lips.

"Don't worry she'll love you." I gave him a slight nod.

The doors to the room opened as a small framed woman came in. She looked like she just walked off the runway. Her hair was dark and thick. Her eyes were a mixture of blue, green and silver. I could see where Alexander got his hair and eyes from.

"Alexander mio figlio la tua qui."

Alexander my son you are here.

"Ciao mamma, dov'è papà?"

Hello mamma, where's dad?

"Sarà qui in pochi minuti."

He'll be here in a few minutes.

"oh mio Dio è che la sua?" He squealed. Jumping up and down.

Oh my god is that her?

"Si mamma incontare Victoria cacciatore mia bella fidanzata." He smiled.

Yes mamma, meet Victoria Hunter my beautiful fiance.

"Ciao tesoro mio." She turned towards me speaking. I looked at her confused. Did she not know I don't speak Italian. I looked at Alex for help.

Hello my darling.

"Lei non parla Italiano." He smiled kissing my hand

She doesn't speak Italian

"Mi dispiace." She smiled.

I'm sorry


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