Chapter Nineteen

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Victoria's Point of view

I pulled the suitcase down the stairs and walked to the front door. I yanked the door open as bright flashes blinded my eyes. The press began shouting questions at me as the flashes of light continued.

"Are you Alexander Piers's new lover?!"

"Are you carrying his child?!"

"Are you an old lover?!"

"How long have you two been together?!"

The lights continued flash as someone pulled me back into the house and slammed the door shut.

"Who the hell called the press, William get Subastian on the phone! These people have no fucking boundaries."

I stood there shocked. He reached out to touch me but I slapped it away. "Don't touch me!" I dropped the suitcase and walked up the stairs back to my room.

Alexander's point of view

Many questions ran through my mind. How did this happen? I sat down on a couch trying to process everything. I walked over to the bar and filled a glass with Scotch. I sat back down on the couch as heels made contact with the floor. She stood in front of me pouting.

"Alexander darling why so down?" Her fake ass accent was ticking me off. I didn't pay her any attention as I drank from the glass.

I felt her heavy ass drop on my lap, her face inches away from mine. Her breath smelled awful.

I could feel my head start to pound. "Amelia get off me before I shove you off"

She released a deep sign. "Your not still mad are you Alexander? I told you I was sorry, what more do you want!"

"How about the fact that you slept with one of my friends while I was on a trip and now you just pop out of the blue telling me your pregnant for me, I have to say that's a little bit too far fetched for me go believe," I downed the rest of the whisky and shoved her off my lap. She fell on her ass looking up at me smiling. "I won't believe that thing inside of you is mine until you do the sonogram with Tori tomorrow.

"I won't do any stupid sonogram, you can see for yourself that I'm pregnant!" She shouted.

"I could careless if your pregnant or not the fact still remains there is no way in hell that baby is mine?" He rested the glass on the table beside me.

"You've changed Xander, it's her isn't it? She's why your acting like this."

"Don't bring my fiance into this!" My voice was harsh but I didn't care. She doesn't deserve any remorse. "Now I think it's best if we finish this argument now."

She got up and flashed her hair and stomped out the room. The sound of police sirens were blaring outside. A deep sigh passed my lips and three minutes later the front door opened.

"Let me guess, you want me to get rid of the press for you?" I dropped my head into my hands and nodded.

He pulled up a seat and sat beside me. "What happened?"

I began to explain to him all the drama taking place in my house. He sat there and listened to everything I had to say.

"This is so fucked up!" I groaned.

"This is what I'll do for you," He ran his hand through his hair. "Your little press problem has already been handled once you called me I knew that's what you needed help with, the officers that I bought have already cleared out the press and have left. I'll tell rest of the family what's happening and we'll see what we can do from their." He stood up and walked to the door.

"Alex!" He shouted.


"Don't look so down it's not a good look on you." I smiled.

"Whatever you say Subastian."

He closed the door.  "William!" I shouted.

He walked into the room. "Yes sir."

"What should I do?"

"Well sir as a family friend I would advise you to not let her go, we really have grown quite fond of Madam Victoria."

"Thanks William, you can take her suitcase back to her room, I have a call I need to make."

"Right away sir."


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