Chapter Twenty-four

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Victoria's Point of view

Pure unbearable pain made me get up out of bed the next morning. Looking for around for Alex I noticed he wasn't in bed. I screamed out as I tried to get to the bathroom. Grabbing the sheet off the I stumbled as I felt warm liquid run down my legs. I looked down to see the silk sheets stained with blood. Panic shot through every fibre of my body.

"A-Alex!" I screamed out still starring at the sheet.

Alexander point of view

I rushed out the bathroom as I heard Tori scream out my name. Standing their in the middle of the room was Tori wrapped in a sheet of blood. I stood their shocked. I couldn't move a muscle. She screamed out in pain and stumbled. I ran over to her. I lifted her and carried her back to the bed. She whimpered as I laid her down.

Digging in my sweat pants I pulled out phone out my pocket and dialed Nate's number. The call when to voice mail on the first try. A long line of swears followed as I called again.


"Get your ass over here now!" I wanted to kill something. "Tori's bleeding."

"On my way." He hung up the phone.

I threw the phone on ground and ran to Tori's side. "Don't worry tesoro, Nate's on his way."

I pulled up a chair and held on to her hand.


Loud police sirens could be heard followed by loud footsteps running up the stairs. The door was shoved open as Jason, Nate, Anthony, John, Sebastian, David, Matt, Matthew, Mark and James came running in. She began crying out in pain.

"Alright everyone needs to leave the room," Nate walked over lulling on his gloves. "Alex you need to leave."

Is he stupid? Did he think I would leave her side when she needed me the most.

He signed. "I knew this would happen, guys take him out the room."

Anthony, Jason, John and Sebastian tried to take me from the room. But I shoved each and everyone of them away from me, even punching John in the process.

"Son of a bitch!" He Sweared. "Grab him."

They all jumped me pulling me out the room.

"What the fuck!" I shouted. They actually pulled me out the room and shoved me into a chair. Both David and Mark blocked the door.

Why does bad shit always happen when good things start to take place. What if she lost the babies? This would hurt both her and me. Maybe if we hadn't fucked last night this wouldn't have happened.

Jason plopped down beside me. "Listen Alex, don't beat yourself up over this, she's going to be fine."

The doors opened as Nate stepped out. I didn't look at him, I only listened.

"She's going to be alright, the babies are perfectly fine. The problem was that she had a low lying placenta, which caused the bleeding. The only problem is that she'll be in pain for the awhile. This a common case in some pregnancies, persons normally think the bleeding is caused by sex."

I released a deep breath.

"You can go see her now." He gathered his things, gave me a pat on the shoulder and left. The rest of my brothers did the same and left.

I got up and walked into the room.

Victoria's Point of view

I smiled when I saw him enter the room. He knelt down by the bed and held on to my hand.

"How are you feeling?"

"A few pain here and their but I'll survive, I'm sorry for worrying you." He caressed my hand.

"You know I'll always worry about you, I love you."

"I love you too."


The next few days that followed were pure torture. Alexander wouldn't let me lift a finger. He had Jane talking care of me. I though he knew I hated that girl but in guess not. I out right refused to make her take of me. I went as far as calling his mom to talk to him. The pain stopped soon after Nate did regular check ups on me every three days and I would always beg him to tell Alex to stop being so over protective but I guess that's one of the reasons why I loved him.

What people do for love.


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