Chapter Twenty-three

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Dedicated to all the freaks that read my story and some of you curious(nasty minded) people.

A mixture of Third Person, Victoria and Alexander's point of view. Read at your own risk.

Suggestion: Listen to the song Gorilla by Bruno Mars while reading this.

She reached up and put her arms around his neck, pulling him down into a kiss. Her tongue played in his mouth as the slow, passionate kiss drown out all other sensation. They broke the kiss.

"Alex," she spoke huskily,

"Tell me what you want."

"Make love to me? Have sex with me? Fuck the shit out of me?" She kissed him again, this time hungrily, pleadingly. He became conscious of the hard points of her nipples pushing into his chest.

"Your in your third trimester, are you sure?."

"Alex, I've never been this horny and I know its being pregnant that's causing it. I need sex Alex, I need it bad. I want you the beast."

"Your wish is my command tesoro."

Victoria smiled. They kissed again, passionately and Alex let his hands slide down to caress her ass. Alex stopped.

"Hey wait a minute," said Alex. "What ever happened to romance?"

"Look I promise we'll cuddle afterwards," said Victoria breathlessly, fumbling with his pants,

"Tell you what," said Alex stopping her busy hands, "how about I sit here on the bed while you stand over there and take off your clothes. Slowly."


"Come on Tori, humor me. I think my pregnant fiance is extremely sexy. I've been in the office whole day thinking about you and I find the changes your body goes through during pregnancy to be very erotic."

He could see Victoria's mind working, her self-consciousness playing havoc with her emotions. She was still embarrassed like the first night, we had sex "I have a confession, too," he said, "I've been undressing you with my mind all day. "

"Really?" She asked playfully.

"Do it baby."

With that he plopped down on the bed, clad now only in his boxer shorts, and motioned for her to stand in the center of the room. All giggling gone, She got off the bed and started to remove her clothing, her eyes ablaze with lust. It wasn't a strip tease, she was too wound up for that, but Alex gave her points for trying to control herself.

With shaking hands, she unbuttoned her jeans. She then reached up and pulled the thin turtle neck up and over her head. Alex licked his lips as he saw the purple bra, her swollen tits spilling out as if to escape. He locked eyes with her and smiled. Taking it as a cue that he liked what he saw, she reached back and unclasped the bra. It fell to the floor revealing her heavy breasts, definitely a size C now. Each breast was capped with a coffee colored areola, the size of a silver dollar. Her nipples were hard and stuck out. Victoria reached up and cupped her tits, squeezing them and closing her eyes. A little dribble of milk oozed from the right breast.

She had started to lactate a few a days ago.

"Sorry," Said Victoria looking embarrassed. "I just started lactating a couple days ago. Nothing big though." I was apparently afraid this would turn him off.

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