Chapter Nine

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Victoria's Point of view

Alexander took us to the balcony. He seemed at peace up here. The balcony looked over a garden. A stream ran through the it while a swimming pool was beside it.

He pulled put a comfortable looking chair for me to sit on. I sat down and began to get comfortable. "When you said I was your first, did you mean I took your-"

"Virginity," I finished "Yes you did."

"Gesù Cristo." He muttered.

It sounded as if he was speaking Italian. Then again he did look partially Italian.

A woman opened the door to the balcony with a tray of shrimp drizzled in sauce on crackers and a bottle of chilled red wine. She seemed a little bit older than me. He hair was in a braid highlighting her dark eyes and sharp cheekbones.

Her face was caked with makeup. Her uniform was the shortest and tightest I've seen since I got here. I don't like this her.

"Jane she won't be having the wine."

"Then what will she be having sir?" She placed the tray down on the table giving Alexander a nice view of her breast.

He didn't even bat an eyelash at her. "She'll have orange juice."

I smiled at him but that quickly turned to a frown when I smelt the shrimp.

"Also get her something with wheat and maybe some oatmeal porridge." He finished.

"Right away Sir." She left the balcony glaring at me. What's her problem?

My eyes softened when I saw Alexander still looking at me. "How did you know what to get me?" I smiled at him but frowned when I remembered how Jane acted around him.

"I have a lot of nieces and nephews also my sister-in-law recently had a baby." He gave me a smile of his own.

"That sounds wonder-"

The door was opened once again as Jane walked out with a tray of orange juice, wheat bread and oatmeal porridge. I guess I didn't realize how hungry I was until she placed the food in front of me. She continued to stand their. Was she waiting on something?

"Jane you can leave."

"Yes sir," She placed a fake smile on her face and turned towards me. "Nice meeting you, I hope you come again." She bowed and walked out.

I knew she meant the opposite of what she just said but I really didn't care.

We ate our lunch and refilled our glasses talking about nonsense. I placed my hand on my abdomen as the balcony fell silent. I enjoyed the sun setting among the trees.

Alex cleared his throat and spoke "I think it's time we talked about you and the baby."

"What about me and the baby?" I raised my head to look him straight in his eyes.

"I want you and the baby to live here with me," I opened to mouth to yell at him saying hell no but he raised his hand to stop me. "Before you start yelling remember it's bad for the babies health and I want to be a father to my child Victoria." I was a little shocked that he actually cared but when I looked deeply into his eyes I saw how serious he was and it warmed my heart.

"I'll need time to think about this." I tried to get up but I couldn't. He stood up and with one gentle pull I was in his arms. I quickly took a step back, not because I might be moving in with him mean I'll allow him to play with my emotions I'm not my mother.

"How much time will you need?" He took my hand and began leading me down the stairs and out the door.

"I'll have an answer by the end of the week." He placed my jacket on my shoulder and escorted me outside.

Charles drove up the drive way and parked the limo.

I turned towards the car. When he grabbed my hand. "Victoria for a little encouragement." He dipped his head and captured my lips in a life shattering kiss my insides turned as I returned the kiss.

His tongue probed my mouth as his hands roamed to my backside. It was so intoxicating. He broke the kiss. A small amount of my lipstick was on his lip which made me blush.

"I'll be waiting for your answer," He opened the door. I sat down on the seat as he winked and closed the door. "Charles take her home."

"Yes Sir." Charles started the car and drove me to my apartment. Throughout the journey I simply smiled at the thought of our kiss.

Charles pulled up at my apartment complex. He parked the car then came around to the door and opened it.

"Your home Ma'am." He offered me his hand.

"Thank you Charles." I smiled thanking him. He helped me up the stairs.

As I opened the door he spoke.

"Excuse me ma'am?"

I turned around and looked at him. He held his hat in his hand.

"Yes Charles?"

"You make him really happy Ma'am. We all appreciate it." He bowed and turned to leave.

"Charles!" I called out. He turned around. "Your welcome,"

"Goodnight Ma'am."

"Goodnight." I walked inside and closed the door with a smile on my face.



Gesù Cristo: Jesus Christ

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