Chapter Two

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Authors Point of View

"Victoria, Victoria, Victoria?" Jamie had been trying to get her best friends attention for over ten minutes now.

Tori snapped out if her daze to hear Jamie calling her name. "Sorry I just keep spacing out on you lately."

"So who is he?" Jamie peered over her menu looking directly at Tori.

"Who's who?" She asked confused.

"You know who I'm talking about I mean the babies father, who else?" She placed her menu down to finally have all her attention on Tori.

"I'll tell you soon." A light blush graced Tori's cheeks as she felt like a giddy teenager going to prom for the first time.

"That's what you always say." Jamie whinnied taking a drink from her glass of water on the table.

Tori's smiled soon turned to a frown. She felt bad about hiding something so important from her best friend but what was she to do shout out to the world that she slept with Alexander Piers and got knocked up in one night. It was Jamie's idea to go to that party in the first place.

Just thinking about that night made her ache in certain places. Her muffled cries from start to finish, even her nails roaming and digging into his well sculpted back muscles, followed by when he entered her. Her muscles expanded to accommodate him inch by inch. God and how he kept entering her mercilessly and to top it off when his lips suckled her nipples. Father have mercy on her soul he was incredible.

"Tori, I'm still talking you know," Jamie spoke interrupting her thoughts once again. "So as I was saying a friend of mine is keeping a little family get together and invited me and I was wondering if you could come?" She trailed off.

"I'm not so sure Jamie," She sighed "You know that I don't like crowds."

"Please Tori, you know I would beg if I didn't want if I didn't really need the support." She grabbed onto Tori's hand squeezing it for dear life.

After refusing for a few minutes she finally gave in and nodded her head for her friends sake. Smiling Jamie looked at her watch and her eyes widened.

"Look at the time Tori you have to get back to your class." She hastily grabbed her bag placing cash on the table. Tori got up and grabbed her purse following Jamie out the door into the warm summer day.


At the end of day Tori feet hurt like hell. She has become more exhausted since she became pregnant her fatigue levels increased tremendously.

She couldn't do too much work but since Jamie was the only one who knew she was pregnant and maybe a few of the moms at the school noticed. Jamie found out after she saw Tori continuously regurgitating her food every time they had lunch. That's when she recommended Tori to go see Doctor Shaw.

At two months you could see a small bulge in her stomach. So maybe it wasn't small but the clothes Tori wore to work made it look small. No one asked for some reason, not until today. After the board meeting she went to the ladies room to relieve her bladder where she heard some of the moms talking.

"Did you see that little tramp Victoria Hunter showing off her little all over the meeting today?"

She could have sworn that was Katherine Blake. She was little Josh's mother. Tori always wondered why such a woman was the mother of such a sweet innocent child. Katherine had a small group of parents on her side because every year she held the school's fair where she picked a specific amount of children to participate in it.

"She's acting like she's better than us. I'm sure she's slept with every male teacher here." Stacy Campbell added into the conversation, she was one of Katherine's followers along with Mitcey and some other mothers though those three were the worst.

"I bet they were the ones who knocked her up making her pregnant with the bastard child she's carrying." They all busted out laughing.

She knew they were all wrong, so she sat their and waited until they left. When they closed the door she quickly got up and caught the bus home.


A wave of nausea woke Tori up the next day making her jump out of the bed and run to the bathroom to go sloughs over the toilet to empty out the contents of last nights. She flushed and walked to the cabinet and took two of the vitamins Doctor Shaw prescribed for her. Swallowing them she heard loud banging on her apartment door.

"Tori open up!" Jamie continued to bang on the door even harder.

"I'm coming!" She rushed to the door to open it.

"Why aren't you dressed and ready by now." She pushed the door open and walked over to the windows opening them allowing a large rays of sunlight into the room.

"What time is it?" Tori closed the door whole placing a hand over her face to stop the sun from shining into her eyes.

"It's one in the afternoon." Jamie sat on Tori's bed waiting for her to finally take the information.

"What!" Tori gasped trying to process the time. "Crap, we're going to be late!"

She rushed to the closet pulling on a firm fitting designer original that hugged her curves and emphasised her pair of breast hiding her pregnancy.

Her bare legs were free from spots or blemishes, as was her face almost totally devoid of make up. She wore her long hair in a pony tail swaying at her knees. She came out of the closet looking gorgeous.

"If only I was a man," Jamie whistled as she took in her friends appearance. "Come on let's go."


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