Chapter Twenty

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Victoria's Point of view

Breakfast was tense. I hadn't spoken since I came downstairs. Last night I cried my self to sleep. I wanted to throw the engagement ring in the garage but every time I looked at it I remembered how things were before all this drama happened.

He cleared his throat. "Victoria I'll be driving you to the sonogram today."

"I would like to go sit Charles thank you very much, I wouldn't want to prevent you from bonding with Amelia now would I?"

"Amelia is going with Charles and you going with me end of discussion." The meal continued in silence.


I actually ended up going with him to Nate's office. The waiting room was vague. I stood as far away from both of them as possible. She looked like a dead caught in the headlights. We all sat on the chairs in the waiting room. Throughout the drive here Alex tried to talk to me but I ignored him.

The door opened opened showing Nate with a stethoscope and a white lab coat. He had a clip board in his hand as he looked at Amelia glaring at her. I smiled as he looked at me giving me a small thumbs up.

"So... let's see Sebastian talked to us yesterday. So that means your Amelia am I right?" She smiled at him but he looked at her with disgust. "If you all can fallow me please." He walked inside his operating room as we all followed behind him.

"Amelia if you would please sit on the chair first."

"Why can't she go first?" She glared at me.

I rolled my eyes.

"Ma'am please don't stall." He spoke firmly.

She sat on the table and pulled up her blouse. "This might feel a little intimidating but it won't hurt a pinch. Now lay down and legs up."

Amelia's point of view

I could feel the cold hell on my stomach as he moved the transducer over my stomach.

"Okay so far your baby looks healthy, It doesn't seem like anything is wrong with her, there's the head." Tears welled up in my eyes as I saw my baby. How ironic I really wished it was dead.

Victoria's Point of view

"So your seven months along, the baby-"

"Hold on, Amelia and I broke up exactly six months ago, that proves that, that child is not mine?"

I was shocked. The baby wasn't his. Thank you Jesus.

"I...I," The words were barely leaving her mouth.

The door opened as a man walked in he was almost as as tall as Alex. His hair was messy as he smirked at Amelia.

"So you made it after all." Alex got up and shook his hand.

"You can say that." He ruffled his hair.

"Tay," She looked afraid. "What are you doing here?"

"Alexander told me you were here. After you tricked me into sleeping with you I knew you would come running back to Alexander. Although me and Alex argued we still kept in contact and last night when he called me, I hoped on the fastest plan, I knew your living ass would try to pull some shut like this, Alex was never got you pregnant nor did I, it was some guy named Ricky, you see little Amy it's not smart to try and play me."

I stood their and tried to absorb all that was being said. That means Alexander was never wrong. I treated him so horrible and he was nothing but kind and truthful towards me. I ran out the room as I heard Alex cruse underneath his breath. As his footstep followed after me.

Authors Point of View

The room was silent. Amelia got up off the examination table pulling down her blouse back over her stomach.

Tay grabbed her hand. "What do you think your doing?"

She brushed off his question as if he said nothing. "I don't know what your talking about."

"Your really are one cold messed up bitch, you know that" he spat at her. "I don't know what you were planning but that shit ends here!"

"And if I don't listen." She smirked.

"Then you'll have the entire Piers family after you." Nate spoke for the first time since all the drama started.

She looked horrified.

"Now get the fuck out my office."

She stomped her feet and left the room.

"Thanks for coming to help my younger brother."

"What are friends for?"


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