Chapter Twelve

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Alexander point of view

Breakfast was very silent. Tori sat with her breakfast in front of her not touching it. I placed down the Grant proposal I was reading as I stared at her. I was getting quite annoyed with her not eating, with a frustrated sign I removed my glasses and stared at her.

"Why are you not eating?" I was really getting worried now. Could she be sick and was not telling me. She pushed away her food.

"I miss Josh."

What did she just say? So all this time she sat there thinking about a man. Didn't she remember last night? Who's name was she moaning was it not mine! "Sorry I don't know who this Josh person is but you start work today in an hour or so, I'm sure you'll have time to see your boyfriend." I pushed back the chair away from the table and got up.

"He's my student," She whispered. At the sound of her explanation I felt like the biggest jackass in history. I sat back down at the table and held on to her hand. "He's four years old and he's a foster child. His parents died in a fire when he was four years old but the thing that makes me love him so much is that even though he's been through all that he still smiles like theirs no tomorrow but his foster mom she's another story." A small smile graced her lips.

"So why do you miss him so much, won't you see him when you go to work?" I gathered my papers and got up looking at my watch.

"We have to leave now if you want to be early for work," I smirked "Unless you want go stay home with me,that could also be arranged." I taunted. She got up from the table within seconds to follow behind me.

We walked outside to see the sun shinning brightly in the morning sky. The dew drops were still on the petals of the flowers lining the driveway.

"Come on." I held on to her hand and lead her to the side of the house were my black Bugatti was waiting.

"Aren't we going to wait for Charles?" I stopped walking and turned giving her a smile that made any woman fall for me.

"Charles is running a few errands for me, he'll be back later." I lead her to the car and opened her door.

She sat down in the leather covered seat. I closed her door and walked over to my side of the car closing my door I placed the key ignition. The engine revved to life.

"Comfy?" I asked.



Victoria's Point of view

We arrived at the gate half an hour before school started. The school was fairly messy. Alex parked the car in front of the School's entrance while I walked towards my classroom.

I began picking up the building blocks and number cards off the desk and placed them into the toy baskets. The walls of the classroom needed some paint while a few of the windows needed to be refined along with the desks and a few chairs.

"Why doesn't the principal fix the classroom?" I jumped when I heard his voice.

"I didn't see you there, I though you left already?"

"No I haven't, I couldn't leave you alone on the school compound while no one was here with you," He straightened a chair "So why isn't the classroom fixed?"

I continued to clean up as he helped me. "Well the school lacks money so they hold a fair every year help make  renovations where ever needs it most unfortunately my classroom is in a good condition so it won't be renovated anytime soon."

Just then students and parents began to arrive. Some of the female parents smiled and waved at Alex. Some where so ridiculous as to put on make up.

Josh arrived in the middle of all the chaos smiling with his little knapsack and lunch pan in his hand. When he saw me he threw them on his desk and ran over towards me hugging my legs. I ruffled his blond curls.

"Morning Missus Hunter." He chirped at me. He began to tell me all about the week that I missed.

When he looked at my desk he saw Alexander standing their. He rose a brow at Alex and walked over to stared at him. He turned around and looked at me.

"Missus, who's the guy in the suit?"


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