Chapter Fourteen

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Victoria's Point of view

He got up and took Josh off my legs.  He cuddled into Alex's arms as he used his other hand to help me up. We walked out of the class and unto the school's compound. I sure to anyone's eye we looked like the perfect family. Charles stood outside waiting for us with the limo door opened.

We got into the car as we drove to Josh's house. He turned continuously in Alexander's arm as though he was having a nightmare. Alex patted his head and rubbed his back as Josh quitted down. The limo began to slow down then stopped.

"Sir where here." Charles rolled down the window that separated the drivers section from the rest of the limo.

Alex turned to face me "I'll be right back, I'll take him inside."

Charles opened the door for Alexander as he was about to step out I held on to his sleeve to stop him. "I want to come with you."

"No, stay here I'll be right back." I nodded as he left the car.

I looked as he carried Josh to the door and knocked. The door opened showing a very shocked Katherine. He walked passed her as she followed and closed the door. A few minutes later he come out of the house and got in the limo.

"Is everything alright?"

He smiled and kissed my forehead. "Everything is fine."

He hugged me as we drove home.


We arrived home an hour later. William stood at the door waiting for us to come inside.

"Good evening Sir and Madam." He bowed as we both walked inside.

"Good evening William, is dinner ready?"

"Yes sir." He began to lead us to the dinning room.

My head started to light as I held on to the wall for dare life. I began to feel faint I swayed on my feet. Alex stopped walking and turned to look at me. The room started to spin as my body began to collapsed.

"A-Alex I don't feel so good." My vision stared to go dark. I saw his lips moving but I couldn't catch the words he were saying my vision went completely black as I fell. Strong muscular arms caught me.

"Victoria! William call Nate hurry!" panic could be heard in his voice.

"Tori wake up please, baby please wake up!" After those words I couldn't hear anything else.


I could hear Alexander's voice. He sounded so worried, he most be talking to someone. I wanted to tell him to stop working but the words would not come out.

Light began to seep threw my lashes as my eyes began to open.

"Little brother she's waking up." A man with stood over me. His skin tone is actually quite creamy in coloured. He was tall, lean and had well built stature. Built with muscle but not over the top. Freckles sprinkle his skin and across the bridge of his long, aquiline nose. His hair is a mix between light brown and is short and straight. His eyes are closed and are fringed with thick, soot black lashes. He looks familiar. I turned my head to see Alexander beside my bed.

"So let's see," The man began writing down something. "Are you fully awake now?" I nodded. "So far from what I can see is that your body was low in vitamin D and Iron. Did you eat breakfast this morning?"

"No." I croaked out.

Alex handed me a glass of water. As he helped me to sit up.

"I'll prescribe you some pills that will regulate you blood pressure, I would also like to do an ultrasound by the end of this week if that's possible?" My eye widened. Is something wrong with my baby?

"It's not as intimidating as it sounds and don't worry your baby is healthy I just want to be really certain," He smiled reassuringly "Also is this your first time fainting?"

I couldn't quite keep up with all the questions. I looked at Alex for help. He had kept quite throughout the entire conversation. He looked at me and smiled. He must have seen how lost I felt.

"No it's not."

"Alex I would advise you to make me carry out the ultrasound tomorrow. It's not uncommon for pregnant women to faint, it's caused by being on their feet too long and not eating well, but as I said before just be safe we'll carry out the sonogram by the end of this week and it's nice to finally meet you Victoria." He winked and took up his bag along with his notes and left.

The door closed leaving the room in silence.


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