Chapter One

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Alexander's Point of View

Two months later...

"Alex you look lovesick." Jason Piers laughed at his younger brother.

Alexander sat with his head looking out the window of his private jet. Jason has be nagging him since they got on the plane leaving New York that was two hours ago so you could see why Alexander might be a little on edge.

"I'm not lovesick," I stated matter-of-factly to Jason.

"Oh please you haven't been on a date in two months, could it be that the infamous beast is retiring?"

"Will you shut up brother, I'm not in the mood."

I know that I haven't been on a date in a while but Jason stating the obvious isn't helping.

"Calm down Alex the whole family is just wondering when are you going to settle down and if your coming to the family get together."

Jason pulled his top bottom to his suit and ran his hand through his hair. He took a drink from his glass of whiskey and stretched out his feet to get more comfortable. Although traveling in a private jet which is definitely first class, he still felt tense. Then again you couldn't expect anything different from Alexander, money was never a problem to him or his family.

"Yes, I'm coming and my love life is none of your business." Alex retorted raising his voice. "I get it I have many lady friends no need to rub it in."

"No little brother you have many lovers, none of the children can keep track not to mention the adults." Jason laughed at his younger brother.

"What can I say," He shrugged "I have many friends that find me attractive and well endowed in other areas." He smirked.

Once more his eyes began to drift to the clear sky out the window.


Authors Point of View

"Ms. Hunter congratulations, you are two months into your pregnancy." Dr. Shaw announced with a smile fawning his wrinkled face. For a man his age he was handsome "After taking a good look at your symptoms plus the blood test. I have to say your going to be a mother. Now I have some vitamin B12 tablets that will help reduce your nausea and vomiting during your pregnancy, I would also advise you to not to eat foods and smells that make you feel sick," He removed his glasses and looked directly at Tori.

That conversation took place almost a week ago and Tori still had no idea what and how to be a parent but she was absolutely sure she was not getting an abortion. She couldn't kill her unborn child not because it wasn't wanted into the world. She was going to raise her baby even if she had to do it all by herself. She was going to see her baby crawling around her room even walking, smiling a little tooth smile so beautiful it could warn anyone's heart. The complete opposite of her past.

After Carla Hunter gave birth to a beautiful baby girl she was abandoned by her husband. Jack Hunter ran off and remarried a French blond like himself not looking back at his past. He had four kids and never once contacted Tori. Carla broke down and began drinking eventually drinking herself to death. Tori vowed never to fall in love like her mother, never to befall men's trickery but that dream went down the the drain like her virginity. Alexander seduced her to the very core making her forget ever moral or anything she stood for in only one night. Her mom passed away from drinking and driving with a broken heart. Tori was placed in multiple foster homes and different parents each time.

That couldn't happen to her unborn baby, that will not happen. Her hand instinctively went to her abdomen in a very protective manner as if trying to keep her baby safe from all the harm in the world.


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