Chapter Eleven

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Victoria's Point of view

"I'll move in with you on three conditions." I was nervous beyond all belief. I knew I should have waited longer.

"I will see if I can meet them, what are they?" He sounded cool and composed unlike me.

"The first is that I want a separate bed room from you, we can't share the same bedroom," I took a deep breath, maybe this would be easier than I thought "The second one is no sex and the third is that I want to go back to work." I waited for him to say something.

Alexander's point of view

"The first one is okay but the second..." I let the words stay in the air for a few minutes. Their is no way in hell I can live in the same house with her and not touch her or take her.

God I'm getting hard just thinking about it and the fact that she wanted to work that's a big no!

"The second one I will agree to how ever rules are always meant to get broken and as for the third, there is no way in hell your working in your condition."

"But I want to work and if you don't then I won't move in with you. I promise if you let me work I won't over do it, I know my limits Alex and I would never put our baby at risk."

I was shocked when she said our baby. I liked better yet loved the sound of it. Taking a deep breath I signed. "If you promise not to ever over do it then I guess I could let you work."

I heard her scream. "Thank you so much Alex, you won't regret it." She sounded so sincere.

"I'll have Charles pick you up later today."

"Alright" I heard her release a deep sign. "Thanks again Alex"

"Your welcome Tesoro, goodbye"

"Goodbye Alex." She hung up the phone.


I arrived home to find Tori asleep and in her room. Her hair was sprawled out around her like the flames of hell and the hot blazing sun combined. I walked over to the bed admiring her beauty.

A few strands of her hair covered her face. I brushed them away and caressed her face cheek. My hand roamed from her face to her abdomen. For someone who was ten weeks pregnant she really was showing a lot. She seemed to be glowing.

Victoria's Point of view

I stirred when I felt someone's hand on my stomach. A dark figure stood over me with bright silver eyes, that's when recognition flashed in my mind.

"When did you arrive?" He removed his hand from my stomach.

Did he think I have a problem with him touching my stomach?

"An hour ago," I rubbed the sleep from my eyes "Why are you home so early, William said you wouldn't be home until ten o'clock."

"Victoria tesoro, it's actually midnight, I just came to see if you needed anything." He brushed a few strands of my hair out of my face.

"No I'm fine." My breath caught in my throat. His shadow stood over my body as the moon shines in the background. His silver eyes glistened. His hair caught at his nape.

He stood over me as his lips descended on mine. He sucked and licked my lower lip. I felt his right hand sneak under my shirt. He cupped my breast over my bra as he squeezed them slightly. I moaned into his mouth. He repeated the action and continued to taunt me.

"A-Alexander" Pulling away I threw my head back against the soft pillows in pleasure. He suckled on my collar bone, nipping at my soft skin.

He began pulling at the edge of my blouse with his left hand. He slowly pull it upwards, God I wanted this damn garment off my body. Looking down our eyes met. Somehow I ended up on top of him. I felt as if I was in heaven.

I began grinding on him feeling his big friend waking up. I leaned down and kissed him in his lips, licking his lips for entry to his mouth. A wave of nausea churned in my stomach, I broke the kiss and rushed to the bathroom.

I regurgitated all of my dinner into the toilet as I tried holding my hair back. The taste of fish in the bile made it even more unbearable.

"I think I'm gonna be sick." I coughed as I heard footsteps coming from the bedroom. He took my hair out of my hands and began rubbing my back. I finished emptying my stomach then flushed the toilet. I brushed my teeth to get the taste out of my mouth.

"Come on let me carry you." He lifted me into his arms and carried me to the bed.

I moved over giving him space so he could sleep beside me.

"Goodnight tesoro." He kissed my forehead and left the room.

"Goodnight." I whispered a little disappointed.


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