Chapter Seventeen

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Victoria's Point of view

"I'm so sorry dear, I thought you spoke Italian." She smiled sheepishly.

"It's fine Mrs. Piers." She looked applauded.

Did I say something bad?

"Oh dear, please call me mom." She walked over and hugged me. I felt awkward at first but I soon embraced her.

She put me at arm's length. "Your absolutely glowing." I stood their smiling. I guess if I had a mother this would be what it felt like. The door were pushed open once again as a man stepped in. He was well built with a thick lush brown hair and chocolate almost black eyes. I guess Alexander got his looks from both his parents.

"Ciao caro è che la sua?"

Hello dear is that her?

"Lei non parla Italiano cara"

She doesn't speak Italian dear.

"I'm very sorry," He smiled, "My name is Vincenso Piers and I'm Alexander's father and this is my wife Maria."

"I think she figured that out dear." She walked over to her husband and hugged him.

"Your right as always dear?" He smiled sheepishly.

"I think it's time we all got to know each other-" The door opened as even men walked in each of them having some similar characteristics.

I recognized Jason and Nate. Women came in behind Julie being one of then holding little Angela. She smiled when she saw me. They all began talking in Italian at the same time confusing me.

"Boys!" Maria's voice rose above all the commotion making the room turn silent. "She doesn't speak Italian and I think your confusing the poor girl, you too girls"

"Mi dispiace." They all said at the same time. When they realized that they all still spoke in Italian they began laughing. I loved this family.

"Now that that's settled I think it's time we all get to know each other take your seats." They all began sitting down leaving me standing up until I felt a light tug and I fell on Alexander's lap. Looking around the room each woman sat on a lap leaving only a few of them without someone, I guess the couples were all married.

"Nana!" The door opened and Nana came in. "Nana ci puo prendere qualcosa do beer? "

Nana can you please get us something to drink?

"Subito Mrs. Moli."

Right away Mrs. Piers

Nana bowed and left the room. "Okay so I'll do the introduction," Alexander's mother squealed clapping. She really was hyper. "So since your going to join the family I'll tell you everything you need to know so I'll start from the oldest down to the youngest first we have Anthony Malory Piers he's my oldest son he's the head of Piers international and deals with charity events, he's married to my daughter-in-law Amira and they have three children, then there's John McKay Piers he's my second oldest son he's married to Sarah they have five children and he's a scientist. He owns a shuttle program that the family is building and I guess you know both Jason Aon Piers and Julie plus their only child Angela. He's in charge of the Piers Mafia."

I jumped when I heard her say Mafia is that even legal. They all looked at me for my reaction sitting a little tense. I just sat their shocked. I felt Alex tighten his hold on me.

"You don't have to be scared honey that's all in Italy."

I released a deep sign at least it not in America but if I love Alex I guess I'll have to accept his family. "It's okay you can continue."

I saw everyone relax. "Okay, their is my third oldest son Subastian Nicoli Piers and he's chief of the New York police department and he's married to Taylor. They have four children. Then their my son's David Xander Piers and Nate Rolando Piers their twins but not identical they have a few similar traits though. David is a Sargent in the Army and he's married to Tamian, they have three children while Nate has one child her name is Snow, he's gynaecologist and he's married to Christal. Then their are my younger sons Alexander Antonio Piers he's head of Piers Cooperative and engaged to you and your pregnant."

Everyone started to cheer. Leaving me confused. "What's going on?"

"The beast has been tamed!" They cheered.

"What beast?"

"Your sitting on him." Jason laughed. I turned and looked at Alexander.

"'What are they talking about?"

"The tabloids labeled me as "Beast"." I began laughing.

"So that's why their cheering." I continued to laugh.

"Quite down everyone, I'm not finished as yet so we're down to the last four, Mark Leon Piers, he's in the Army like David and is currently a commander he's also single. Then theirs James Francisco Piers he's a Nuclear physicists and can't keep his dick in his pants and he's also single."

"Mamma!" He whined.

"Boy hush!" She scolded. "Then theirs Matt Mathew Piers he's a medical doctor in training and he's single and finally my last son and the baby of the family Matthew Noel Piers he's in collage, studying the area of business and is dating your best friend Jamie." She turned and smiled at me. "These are all my children the rest of the family you'll have to meet another time."

I guess this is my new family.


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