Chapter Four

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Authors Point of View

Alexander was in the hall along with the rest of his family when he saw a woman with red-blond hair. He ran up the stairs after her after her not knowing why he had the urge to.

How unbelievable he didn't even know if it was her what if it wasn't? That would be so awkward.

Lost in his own though he bumped into her and his suspicions were correct for rambling in his arms where the one and only Victoria Hunter.

She froze when she saw it was him       ''What are you doing here?" He could feel her muscles tense in his arms.

''I could ask you the same thing?" His eyes wondered over her clothes taking in every detail, her eyes, her long beautiful hair most importantly her swollen breast and how her nipples stood erected.

They were definitely bigger than last time. Her eyes were glaring when he returned his glaze back to her face. The glare made look even more beautiful.


Tori was in a panic why was he here of all people, all she wanted to do was be left alone but his eyes made her want jump on him and kiss him like their was no tomorrow but she held her head high and continued to glare at him. 

The fact that his eyes were roaming over her body wasn't helping either.  It made her wet in certain places just like the night they had sex.

"I-I'm here with a friend," Her words came out so quickly Alex had to make sure he was paying keen attention but he didn't show it. "What are you doing here?"

"Well this is my family's reunion."

She knew he was speaking but her eyes were too focused on his lips, how the felt on her skin, how his hands roamed over her body and then it sunk in.  She was pregnant for him, she had to get out of here. She finally found her voice.

"Well it was nice seeing you again Alexander but I must be going."

"Not so fast sweetheart, I've just seen you in what two months and your just leaving without a simple how have you been?''

No matter what, she wasn't getting away this time, he will have her in his bed again.

Victoria pursed her lips and looked deep into his silver eyes.

"How have you been Alexander?" She brushed a few strands of her hair out of her eyes.

"Good minus the part were you ran out of my bed without a goodbye, was I that bad in bed?" He rose a brow at her.

You were excellent and the sex was mind blowing but she would never tell him that, forcing her best smile she straightened her clothes.

"You were okay I guess.'' She shrugged.

"Sweetheart, okay doesn't come close to what you said that night or maybe you would like me to prove it, actions always speak louder than words." He breathed huskily.

With a swift turn she was backed up against the wall

"I...we..." Speech eluded her.  Her brain was like mush, she couldn't think.

He lowered his gaze to her lips and within a second his lips were on hers. She tried to fight it,  desperately tried but her urges were too strong. 

He took her mouth with savage sweetness, drinking from her while his own raging thirst went on. Their tongues twined, stroked, then twined again, sharpening their pleasure to an almost painful degree.

She couldn't do this. She pushed at his chest and he released her from the kiss.

"I- we" she still couldn't speak "I have to go, we...can't." She eased him off her.

She hurried down the hall not looking back.

He wouldn't lose her not now, he ran after her anf before she could reach the stairs he pulled her into a corner.

"No." She tried to turn towards the stairs.

"It's Tori for short, am I correct?"

"What?" Appearing stunned, Tori timidly looked up into his eyes "You heard someone call me that?"

"No," He spoke his head determined he stepped closer to her "Your mine and nobody else's, I will have you Tori."

"This is," She began to push him off her and then turned away she muttered "Ridiculous, I have to go."  She tried to pull his grip on her hand.

"Why, why do you have to go?" He insisted on getting an answer, he wanted one.

She then began to feel light headed. She couldn't take this anymore if she continued this she would soon faint. The room soon began spinning and eventually it became dark and she passed out.


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