Chapter Seven

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Victoria's Point of view

I felt better the next day. After the board's weekly P. T. A meeting the nausea didn't bother me so much. No thoughts of Alex crossed my mind making my spirits feel happy. Maybe he gave up. Signing I began packing up my desk. A hand suddenly slammed into my desk startling me. Looking up I came face to face with Katherine, Stacy and Mitcey standing in front my desk with their arms crossed and scowls on their makeup caked faces.

"So you came in late again this morning, this is the seventeenth time this month and you still haven't gotten fired." She flipped her her blond extensions over her shoulder trying to look intimidating.

"Good afternoon to you too Katherine, Did you come to pick up Josh?" I asked. Quite frankly I disliked the woman.

"You heard me, I know how've been whoring around with all the male teachers maybe even the principal, I can guarantee you get paid more than anyone else here." She smirked seeing that I wasn't replying. "Maybe it's for your services. I'm right aren't I?"

I simply sat there staring at them with little to no interest but their word did hurt.

Is that what everyone on the board thought I did?

Stacy and Mitcey stood behind Katherine like animals ready to attack.

"Aren't you going to answer? We all know it, we've been saying it for quite sometime now." Both women shook their head in agreement.

As I sat there I began to feel nauseous again.

"Excuse me ladies." A deep voice spoke that was all too familiar. Looking behind Katherine I looked in deep silver eyes.


Alexander point of view

I walked onto the schools compound looking for her. Women all over the school and began to stare. Brushing off my suite and looking at my watch I could see that it was two in the afternoon I'm sure Joe could handle the company until I got back. It didn't take me long to find her classroom and I didn't like the sight either. My eyes darkened with rage. Placing a perfectly charming smile on my I spoke.

"Victoria sweetheart the limo is waiting." Starring at the other women in the room "You ladies will have to excuse us."

I walked behind her desk, leaned forward and placed a gentle kiss on her lips. She looked shocked then she smiled. Taking up her bag I gently pulled her to her feet and began leading her out the room. Charles stood at the limo waiting.

"How did you l-"

I didn't wait for her to finish. "Your friend Jamie told me" I hesitated to tell her with who's help but then again she hasn't met any of my brothers minus Jason. "After some convincing with the help of my brother Matthew."

I admit Jamie was a tough nut to crack. After Jason gave me Jamie's information I decided to pay her an early visit, Matthew wanted to come since he was already at my house so I told him yes. When we asked her about Tori's workplace she immediately told me "No."

Matthew throughout the conversation seemed to be checking her out. A large smirked covered his face. He grabbed Jamie and dragged her into a room. They came out a few minutes later with a blushing Jamie giving me all of Tori's information. I didn't need to ask Matthew what he did because I already knew. He used the charm of the Piers men.

We walked in silence as we made our way to the limo. When she gasped.

"I can't leave, I-I have work to do a-and I will be fired if-"

"Don't worry it's all taken care of," She raised a brow "You already quit you job." I stated matter-of-factly.

"Wait, what!" She screamed looking outraged.

"I called the principal on my way over here and told him you quit, he wasn't happy but quite frankly I don't care and before you start screaming again it's bad for the baby."

I began walking again pulling her gently. Charles stood with the door open.

"Where to sir?"

"Home." I lead her into the car and sat while Charles closed the door.


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