Chapter Eight

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Victoria's point of view

I was beyond angry. First he come out of the blue in his black tailored Hermione suite looking like a model who just walked off the runway.

His hair tousled looking as if he just got out the shower and to top it off his wrist had a golden-diamond encrusted Rolex all in all be spelt money. How dare he just come into my life and begin to take control of it and it didn't help that he was rolling up his sleeves showing of his firm tanned arms.

All the children won't see me again, even little Josh and all the work I placed into planning the school fair to make sure they all enjoyed it is going to go to waste.

Alexander's point of view

I sat their waiting for her to say something but she just sat their with her fingers clenched on her lap.

I finally mustered up enough courage to ask her the question that kept bugging me."When were you going to tell me you were pregnant?"

My question must have caught her off guard because she lifted up her head with her eyes as wide as saucers. When she saw me looking at her with worry she cleared her throat and straightened her back. "I wasn't." she answered starring straight into my eyes.

I clenched my jaws not wanting to yell at her and cause any problems for her or the baby. I glared at her. She was going to raise my child without my knowledge about it. How dare she!
"And why not?" I gritted out through clenched teeth.

Victoria's Point of view

I didn't answer. I just couldn't, why of all the times did Alexander Piers have to come marching into my life the very instant I got it back on track and then he just came in and flipped it upside down turning it into one big mess.

"I didn't tell you because I know you wouldn't want the baby, your a playboy, a multi-billionaire so many things I'm not, I'm just a school teacher who lives on minimum wage and now my life is a whirlwind. I mean you came out of nowhere" I moistened my lips and continued "You were my first and it was great but Alex let's be serious about this your not ready to be a dad and I'm not ready to be a mom-"

"So your saying your going to abort my child!" His voice rose to a level that showed me he hated the thought of it.

"No, not in my life, I love my baby and I'm never going to give up my baby for anything." I found it appalling that he would think I would ever do something like that.

His eyes softened as he heard me say those words. The drive to the house remained silent.

When we arrived I gasped, this wasn't a house it was a mansion. My little apartment couldn't even be compared to it. It was divided into four wings and three stories high. It resembled houses built in the nineteenth century. We drove up to the large iron gates painted black. Beautiful flowers decorated both sides of the driveway. I wouldn't expect anything less from Alexander.

The doors were opened by an elderly man in his late sixties wearing a black suit and white gloves, he looked handsome for his age.

Charles opened the door for Alexander and I. We walked to the large double doors and I stood behind him.

"Welcome home sir may I take your jacket?" His English language was very distinctive. He sounded British. After Alexander pulled his jacket out of the limo only then did he notice me standing behind Alex.

"I'm very sorry, good afternoon madam, maybe take your jacket as well?" I hesitated a bit and looked at Alexander for confirmation . He gave me a quick nod so I handed my jacket to him.


The house seemed to have a few servants.

"We'll be having lunch on the balcony William."

He gave a short bow "Right away sir, I'll have Jane bring it up immediately." He excused himself and left.


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