Chapter Twenty-five

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Victoria's Point of view

Tomorrow was the school fair and Maria invited me out today for coffee at Starbucks. Alex had gone to work and no school was being kept so I didn't have to go to work.

Smiling I began to walk down the stairs. I held on to the banister when hands shoved me. Stumbling I almost fell down the stairs. My heart pounded in my chest.

I turned around but found no one. I could have sworn someone shoved me. Maybe it's nothing. I continued until I reached the bottom of the stairs.

"William?" I shouted. Seconds later he came walking through the door.

"Yes Ma'am-"

"I told you, please call Tori"

"Yes Ms. Victoria."

I Sighed. I guess you can't teach an old dog new tricks.

"If Alexander reaches home before me, Can you tell him I'm out with his mom."

"Yes Ms. Victoria."

"Well, I have to go Charles must be waiting on me."

I turned and waved to him as he smiled at me. I opened the door to find Charles waiting.

"Good Morning Ms. Victoria, Mrs. Piers is waiting for you at Starbucks."

"Okay." I stepped into the limo as he closed the door. The car pulled on to the road as overtook as Charles stepped on the break. I was jerked forward.

Charles wound down the window.

"Are you okay Ms. Victoria?"

"Yes I'm fine Charles, What was that?" I sat up back properly.

"I don't know, the car overtook us and I almost slammed into it, I'm sorry Ms. Victoria."

"It's okay let's continue."

We arrived at Starbucks to find Maria sitting outside waiting. Charles opened the door as I stepped out.

"Thank you Charles."

"Your welcome."

I walked over to the table that Maria was sitting at. We spent hours talking and drinking coffee while I drank a orange juice. The sun began to set as I went back into the car.

We arrived home soon after as I went up the stairs and into our bedroom. Alex wasn't home and I couldn't wait for him.

I walked into the room and what I saw made me want to hurl. In sperm and what was that blood! Along with some of my under ware shredded into pieces were a message.

If you think just because you fucked him and is now carrying those bastards you call children inside of you that I won't stop loving him then your sadly mistaken. I'll never stop trying to get him and I know he'll fall for me. You are nothing but a pest that should be exterminated.

I couldn't hold my stomach anymore. I rushed the bathroom and regurgitated everything that I ate from this morning.

The bedroom door was pushed open as someone walked into the room.

"What the fuck?" It was Alex. "Tori baby where are you!"

"In here!" He rushed into the bathroom. "Are you okay?"

"Yeah." I answered. My head began hurting.

"Do you know who did this?"

"No." I whispered.

"It's okay I'll fix this don't worry just go into your old room and get some rest."

I nodded and walked out the room. Was someone trying to kill me? I walked up to the bed and laid down and like that I was out like a light.


Alexander's point of view

I stood their as Sebastian looked at the bedroom. Which sick fuck would do something like this?

"Well the message was written in blood and sperm. But who's I don't know."

"Who would do this shit?"

"That I don't know but I've checked the cameras around your house and no one out of the ordinary came into your room. I guess I'll have to look deeper into this."

Who would want to hurt Tori? Could it be Amelia?

"Could it be her?"

"Who Amelia?" I nodded. "It's a possibility but how could she get into your house unnoticed?"

That I don't know but I'll do some more research if necessary and I'll get in touch."

"Okay." He closed the door.

I looked at the bed and signed. Pulling out my phone I called William to send a made up to clean the room.

I walked into the room to find Tori asleep. Walking over to the bed I cuddled up to her as she snuggled into my warmth.

Don't worry tesoro I'll find out whose doing this and when I do they'll wish they were never born.


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