Chapter Thirteen

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Victoria's Point of view

"Missus who's the guy in the suit?"

I turned to look at Alexander to see him smiling at me waiting for me to explain. I wanted to slap that smile of his face.

"His name is Mr. Alexander Piers." I heard a gasp from one of my students. Elizabeth Monroe ran over to me tugging at my dress. Her hair was brown with little pigtails and a loose tooth at the front of her mouth

"Miss my mom told me he's very rich and that he owns lots of companies worldwide and that if she got him in bed she would-" I covered her mouth with my hand.

"I think that's quite enough Lizzy, I'm sure we all would like to change the subject and move on with our lesson."

"Wait Missus you didn't answer my question, is he your brother or something?"

I knew Josh loved to ask questions but how was I to explain to a group of five and six year old students that I had sex with this man and now he's having the time of his life seeing me trying to explain my predicament.


"I'm her fiance." He interrupted for the first time since he's been here.

"Yes he's my-what!" I turned to glare at him only to see him walk over to Josh and stoop down on one knee.

"Missus you didn't tell me you getting married no wonder your getting fat, well I hope you treat her good cause she deserves the best," He smiled "So put ere there." Josh held out his hand for Alex to shake.

He also smiled and shook little Josh's hand. "Don't I know it and I will."

I stared at the two of them. They looked like father and a son bonding. I hope he and the baby had that bond.

Alex rose to his feet and walked over to me. "I've got to go or else I'll be late." He whispered in my ear, his breath was hot on my ear. I suppressed a moan that almost passed my lips. He lifted my chin and captured my lips in a short kiss. The children started to make kissing noises while some howled like wolves and the rest ewed. Alex broke the kiss and took his keys of my desk. He waved to the children while they all began shouting "Good bye" while a few waved.

"Take your seats please." I rose my voice over all the commotion but they all still continued talking.

"All of you shut up Missus wants to begin!" They all instantly fell silent.

"Thank you Josh, now class let's begin." They took out their books and began pulling out their seats.


I was on my feet the entire day. I hadn't had breakfast this morning nor lunch and the P. T. A meeting was right after school to discuss the schools annual fair. School was being dismissed and most of the students were going home while some of the parents were just arriving. A few students were still at school including Josh.

The P.T.A meeting began with the parents giving events that can raise money. Mrs. Baley a sixty nine year old woman volunteered to hold a pie baking contest. They were trying to find an event that the fair would be based around.

A few persons suggested a repeat of the same main event while others suggested a father and son race. The meeting ended with the board not making a decision. I went to the classroom to collect my things only to find Josh waiting in the class.

"Josh what are you doing here, I thought your mom came for you but, now that I thought about it she wasn't at the meeting like she normally was." I sat down in a chair beside him.

"Sorry Missus but she's not here as yet," His eyes looked a little sad. I could see that he was very worried that someone wasn't going to come for him.

"How about I wait until your mom gets here." I patted his head.

"Thank Missus I would love that." He makes his head on my lap and fell asleep. While he slept I remembered Alex telling Josh that I was his fiance. I really wanted to argue with him but I was too shocked to even say anything until he left.

Marrying him would spread like wildfire if anyone found out or maybe he only said it because children were here. I wasn't wearing any ring so he must have been joking. I released a deep sign while brushing Josh's hair.

"I hope I'm not interrupting anything." Alexander stood at the door starring at us.

"You know you need to stop doing that right?"

"Sorry, but why hasn't he gone home like the other children I see leaving outside?" He walked over and sat beside me.

"His mother, if you can call her that, hasn't come for him as yet." I was very angry with Katherine. How could she do this to him? I began to feel light headed.

"It's getting late, so let's take him home I'm sure someone is at his house."


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