Chapter Ten

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Victoria's point of view

The week ran by without any delay since I didn't have to work. I missed my students especially little Josh. He was very smart for his age. He had blond hair with light blue eyes. At the age of four his real parents died in a fire. A few months later he was adopted by Katherine but even though his parents were gone he never stopped smiling.

I cleaned most of the week packing up my things. I already had my answer for Alexander it's just that I couldn't find enough courage to call him. A loud bang could be heard as Jamie bellowed my name like a cow. The door opened with all loud slam as she barged in.

"I want to know everything and don't leave out one detail and why was The Alexander Antonio Piers asking for you?" she bombarded me with questions. Her hair was disheveled as she was breathing as if she ran a marathon.

"Are you okay?" I tried to get up off the bed to help her.

"No I'm not, I ran all the way here, I think I lost fifty pounds?" she continued to breath hard. "Now answer my question!" She jumped on the bed landing beside me.

With a deep sign I prayed for her best reaction. "He's the babies father and I was going to tell you earlier but I couldn't so I'm sorry?"

I spent half an hour explaining to her my predicament. How we met at the party and how he took my virginity and that he wanted me to move in with him.

"I think you should follow your gut, Well in this case, do what's best for your baby and what makes you happy."

"Your the greatest friend ever." I hugged her.

"I know, now I have a date to get ready for so I'll see you later." She got up off the bed and headed to the door.

"Call and tell me about your date later."

"Okay I will!" She ran out the door to god knows where. I loved that crazy girl.


Alexander's point of view

I sat in my office going through the branch proposal from Microsoft when my cellphone began ringing. Signing I answered.


English translation


"Moli Alexander Antonio come osi ottenere in ragaza incinta e non diitemi?"

Alexander Antonio Piers, how dare you get a girl pregnant and not tell me?

"Mamma mi dispiace che stavo per chia marti."

Mamma I'm sorry I was going to call you.

"Perchè non ci hai detto che si sono sposati?"

Why didn't you tell us you were getting married?

"Che cosa!" Where the hell did she get that idea. "Dove non sposari!"

What! Where the hell did she get that idea We are not getting married!

meglio sposara io non vaglio un illegitimate nipote. Quel bambino È guello di essere cresciuto in in case felice amorevole mi senti to Padre ed io mai sollevato come questo"

You better marry her I don't want an illegitimate grandchild. That baby is to be grown up in a happy loving home, do you hear me your father and I never raised you like this.

"Si mama"

Yes mom

"Bueno, ora ricordo che per portarla a venirmi incontro ho sentito che lei è una bella ragazza."

Good, now remember to carry her to come and meet me I hear she's a lovely girl.

"Va bene mamma, ti amo, arrivederei"

Okay mom, love you, goodbye

"Anchio ti amo"

Love you too

I threw my cellphone on the desk signing. Oh Cazzo, this was bad. I tried to convince her to move in with me now I'm gonna have to tell her were going to have to get married. Merda, this is so stressing.

A beep was coming from the intercom on my desk. Pressing the answer button I heard my assistant Kimberly.

"Sir there is a call on line one for you." I felt as if I was going to get a headache.

"I'm not taking any calls Kimberly, tell whoever it is I'm busy." I began gathering the papers for the contract.

"But sir it's from a Ms. Victoria-"

Dropping the paper I picked up the phone.

"Put her through."

"Yes sir."

I wanted for her to put the call through.


"Alexander I've made my decision." she spoke shakily.

"And what have you decided?" I inquired with a raise of my brow, not that she can see me.

"I'll move in with you under three conditions."


English translation:

Oh Cazzo: Oh fuck

Merda: Shit

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