Chapter Fifteen

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Victoria's Point of view

He took a deep breath then looked at me. "You know you scared me, you almost hurt the baby."

I almost hurt the baby, so what am I chop liver? Am I invisible? I could feel my eyes start to sting, tears were starting to develop. I tried to swing my feet off the bed so I could get up but my legs felt weak. I took a deep breath and in one swift swing I was on my feet. A tear slipped out my eyes. So all of what he was doing all along was only for the baby.

"If your so concerned about your child-" I stopped myself from sobbing. "Sorry to hurt your child, I hope even after the baby is born, you continue to forget about the the woman who carried him or her."

Alexander's point of view

I stood their shocked at her words, how could she think that I only cared about the baby. I got jealous over her thinking about a child, I finally mustered up enough courage to want to ask her to spend the rest of her life with me and she though I only cared about the baby.

Did she know worried I was when she fainted, I almost fired William for not moving fast enough and he's been working for my family for over forty years. Nate even saw how much I cared about her, my entire family knew how much I loved her.

Yes I finally admitted it I'm in love with Victoria Hunter. She began to walk to the door when I grabbed her hand. "What the hell, you can't just walk away from me, do you know how worried I've been, do you actually think that I only cared about the baby, that I don't give a rats ass about you?"

Victoria's point of view

His words really hit home. His words did mean that he really cared but then again maybe right after the babies born he'll leave like my father did, God I'm so stupid for actually starting to fall in love- Am I already in love with him?

No! That can't be but I am. The tears started to fall harder how ironic go be in love with someone who doesn't love you. I need to think.

I began to pull away from his hand but his grip tightened. "Alex, I can't do this, I really can't." I felt he hand wiping away my tears. He caressed my cheek as I leaned into his hand and closed my eyes. "Alex don't-"

"I love you." I opened my eyes and looked at him.

"What did you say?"

"I said I love you-"

"But what about the baby?"

"I love both you and the baby. I've fallen in the love with you and it's not because of the after you left my room almost three months ago I looked everywhere for you, I couldn't even get you out of my head." He dropped down one knee. "I'm totally in love with you Victoria Hunter will you do me the honor of becoming my wife?"

I looked at him shocked did he really just say all of that. "Do you mean it?"

He smiled at me "I mean every word tesoro."

"Yes." He looked at me shocked.

"Do you mean-"

"Yes I'll marry you!" He placed the ring on my finger. It looked beautiful.

 It looked beautiful

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