Chapter Twenty-two

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Victoria's Point of view

Three months later.....

Three months passed by really fast. We decided that after the twins were born we would get married. Jamie and Matthew are going steady and we're actually publicly dating. The school fair was coming up and Katherine already began barking orders.

The day Alexander took my entire class out for Ice-cream and to an Amusement Park. The children were really growing fond of him especially little Josh. Alex offered Josh his Golden-diamond encrusted Rolex but I shot that idea down the first moment he brought it up.

I didn't want persons hurting him for a stupid watch. So they both came up with the idea that if he didn't get the watch Alex would give him a thousand dollars to spend all on his own. He seemed really excited about the idea so I reluctantly allowed him to have the money, only if he promised not to show the money to anyone and spent it wisely.

The twin's room was being decorated by both Alex and I. He wanted to hire an interior designer. We ended up arguing over it until he finally gave in.


"No move it to the left," I directed. "Maybe not left place it on the right." I signed trying to direct both Matthew and James. They were helping me put the finally touches on the nursery because alex had to run to the office to close a muti-million dollar deal on a company in the Caribbean who wanted to join with Piers cooperative.

"We've been at this forever Ria can't we rest." Matthew begged. He and James were both holding up the teal crib.

"Okay put it down for now." They both sighed and placed the pink crib down.

James sat on the purple carpet on the ground. "Ria how much longer? I've got to go meet Sasha." He really couldn't keep it in his pants. Since I've known James he's always on his way to go meet someone.

They both decided that they wanted to give me a name other than Victoria or Tori. At first they tried Vicky but after throwing every single thing in sight them, they decided on Ria.

I kinda like it so I let them keep it for now. "Alexander said both of you boys should help me move the furniture around-"

"Yes but it's pure torture." Pouted Matthew.

"Fine you guys don't want to move them you both can go-" They both ran to the door at the same time trying to get out. "I'll just move them myself." I got up from the rocking chair and waddled over to the crib. Before I could touch it both of them came running back holding onto me.

"No!" They both escorted me back to the rocking chair.

"But you guys said you-"

"Forget about what we said, don't you know men can't make up their minds." Argued Matthew.

"Yeah plus Alex said, he'd castrate us if you moved anything." James added.

"You just sit down and look pretty Ria, well do the lifting."

They spent the five hours putting the final touches on the room. They both left after we were finished with Matthew screaming he had a date with Jamie while James ran off to go meet Sasha.

I sighed looking around the room. A purple carpet covered the ground. The room was painted in both blue and pink. Divided in half while it had a purple because blue and pink made purple, anything in purple was for both the twin's to share. Alexander had a huge walk in closet filled with baby clothes.

I doubt they would ware so much not to mention the amount of toys. I got up out of the chair and headed to our bedroom. I was seven months pregnant and my morning sickness stopped long ago. Some women had it throughout their pregnancy. I was happy I wasn't one of them. I opened the bedroom door and went straight to bed. Turning off the light I cuddled up to his pillow and feel asleep.


I woke up when I heard the bedroom door being opened. Alex began removing his jacket.

"Sorry I didn't mean to wake you up." He whispered.

"It's okay, I'm up anyway, how was your day?" I yawned and rubbed the sleep from my eyes.

He walked over to the bed and kissed my stomach. "It was awful first the contracts that were supposed to be signed got delayed then the lawyers were late." He placed kisses straight up to my lips as I tried to stifle my moans.


You all thought this was going to turn into a sex scene sorry people that's in the next chapter.

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