Bonus Chapter

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Victoria Point Of View

The sun seeped through the curtains casting it morning glow on my eyelids. Alexander's strong warm muscular arms were wrapped around my torso.

I snuggled into his chest as I felt his morning wood pressed against my body.

"I love the sound of that," I blushed and looked up into his intoxicating gray eyes. "You look so cute blushing like that,"

I pressed my face deeper into his chest trying to hide my embarrassment. "Come on tesoro no need to be shy."

"Shut up." I pouted and looked up into his eyes.

He chuckled and placed a small kiss on my nose.

"I can't believe today is our last day here." I whispered.

"I know what you mean but these two weeks have been worth it." We were still on our honeymoon in Greece.

"Yes it has been but I have to say I miss my babies and Josh." He sat up in the bed pulling me along with him.

His back rested on the head board while I cuddled with his side. "What do you want to do since its our last day here?" He began caressing my stomach as his finger lightly traced the scare from the C-section with the twins.

My stomach was still bloated and the scare made it seem repulsive. I guess I still didn't feel comfortable looking or touching it.

I stopped his hand and held it with mine.

"Maybe we could go to the beach, we haven't been their as of yet plus I heard it's one of the best sites here."

I didn't want to go to the beach. Going to the beach. Meant wearing a swim wear which would show too much skin.

"Maybe not, we could always stay here." I was a little hesitant in giving my answer.

He raised a brow and looked down at me. "Are you sure?"

"Yes." He looked as if he was about to say something else but I stopped him.

"I'm going to the bathroom." I eased out of his arms and took the sheet with me shielding my body from his arms.

I locked the bathroom door and walked over to the full length body mirror.

I allowed the sheet to slip as I stared at my entire body. My breast looked as if they were going to sag. Light stretch marks covered the lower side of my stomach. I traced my finger lightly over the scare.

I could hear shuffling in the room.

Alex knocked on the door making me jump quickly snatching my hand off my stomach. "Tesoro are you okay, I wasn't hearing any water and why's the door locked?" He sounded worried.

"I'm fine don't worry." I quickly stepped in the shower turning on the water.

"Just checking, but I need to talk to you?"

"About what?" I turned down the volume of the water.

"The fact that you keep hiding your body from me," My breathing quickened. "I don't love you because of you looks, I love you because of you personality and the fact that you are honest with me about any and everything." I wiped the tears that were forming in my eyes. "Open the door."

Slipping out the shower I walked over and pulled the door. He stood there with a beautiful yet sad smile on his face. "I'm sorry."

"You know I love you right?"


"Come here." He opened his arms and I walked over and hugged him. "Do not be affected by your scares," He slowly caressed my stomach. "These scares show how brave you are and the wonderful mother you can be," He knelt down and kissed my scare. "I love everything about and these scares do not and cannot stop me from loving you."

"I love you and thank you." I wiped away tears and he stood up and kissed me gently on the lips.

"Something came up and we need to leave in a few hours, I'm sorry we had to cut our honeymoon a day short but I'm supposed to be closing a deal with Bradley Vladimir and if we stay I might lose a five billion business contract." His hand ran over my ass.

"That's fine we could always come back plus next time we'll go swimming." I smiled.

"Go finish having your bath while I call Sarah."

"Okay." Placing a kiss on his cheek I waled back

Alexander's point of view

I felt bad I had to end our vacation early. Although Tori has been acting slightly awkward. She never wants us to make love in the morning or when the light is on. She hardly wares any clothes that show much skin. Not that's I'm complaining but I miss how she would normally be comfortable around me. That was why I knew something was wrong. I loved my wife with my entire being.

Taking a deep sign I dialed Sarah's number.

"Hello Mr. Piers how's your honeymoon?" Sarah has been my secretary for six years now and she's been doing a incredible job. A few months ago she was sick I had hired an assistant secretary Kimberly.

"It's been great but I actually called you to contact Frank and tell him to come pick us up today, and contact Mr. Vladimir and tell him to be in my office by ten also I'll be taking all my appointments for tomorrow," I could here her writing everything I say down.

"Okay is that all sir?"

"Yes that will do for now,"

"Okay have a great flight,"

"Thank you," I hung up my phone and threw it on the bed.


Victoria point of view

A few hours later

I sat on Alexander's lap in the plane. His fingers caressed mine as he gently suckled my neck leaving a trail of love bites. I was moaning as one of the air hostess walked in blushing.

"Excuse Mr and Mrs Piers." Alexander stopped his attack on my neck cocking an eyebrow at the air hostess "We'll be landing in Seattle in a few minutes can you please put on your seatbelts," With a frustrated groan he released my hand allowing me to sit beside him buckling in.

"Thank you," She walked back into the pilots cockpit.

Alexander turned towards me place a gentle kiss on my hand. "Were almost home."

I smiled and grasped his hand rubbing it "I can't wait to see everyone."

"We'll be landing shortly." Announced Frank.

The plane slowly began descending.


So here is the extra chapter I promised I'm so sorry its late but I've been trying to sort out my life in the last few months so yeah.... Also the publishing of my new book will be put off until further notice.


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