Chapter Six

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Authors Point of View

"Your the babies father."

His grip on her hand instantly loosened. She grabbed her hand from his,yanked the door open and ran out not looking back.

Alex was dumbstruck. She's pregnant with his child. She knew and didn't even tell him until he almost forced her to and on to top it off- Christ!. They didn't use protection. How could they have been so stupid!

When Alex finally came to  conclusion he ran after her.


Tori didn't know how it happened, one minute she was in the room with Alex and the next she was outside walking to the gate. She didn't even hear Jamie calling her name.

Escape, Escape, Escape the words played in her mind like a mantra.

Jamie saw Tori run outside and she wasn't stopping. She quickly began running after her.

"Tori!, Tori! where are you going?"

Jamie ran over to see Tori's eyes red and watery with her cheeks flushed.

"Jamie, I want to go home please."

"What happened? what's wrong?" The questions continued to flow from Jamie's mouth.

"I don't want to talk about it, please just let's go." The tears were forming again.

"Let's go then, I guess we stayed long enough."


It was impossible for Tori to sleep the same night. She kept thinking about Alexander and the fact that he found out she was pregnant. Finally the fatigue actually caught up with her. Her eyes became heavy and closed as she drifted off into the darkness called slumber.


Alexander point of view

I was pissed to say the least. After searching entire party for her I came out empty handed, So after the party was over and so was my search, I was now sitting in the family living room drinking pure whiskey.

"Can I have some little brother?" Jason inquired walking into the living room.

"Same here." Added Matt behind Jason.

"Don't leave us out of the mix."

All my brothers walked into the room and began going to the island bar filling their glasses.

"I wasn't going to get up even if you begged me, besides I'm not in the mood." I felt like brooding and for all I care they could all leave.

"Don't be so grumpy, is it about that girl what was her name?" Matt's face scrunched up as he tried to remember her name.

"Her name is Victoria Hunter," I took a deep sign. "We met about nine weeks ago at a party and now..." I left the words hanging in the air. What was I supposed to say the one time I didn't go in plastic I came out screwed.

"So let me guess big brother, you found out she's pregnant and now your looking like you lost your favourite toy because..?" Asked Matt "Wait I know she didn't tell you who the father is." He finished laughing.

I wish that was the case.

"It's not the who I'm worried about it's what he's going to do to find her." I retorted. Quite frankly I don't care if Jason and the rest of my brothers laughed at my expense.

"I'm confused." Spoke Matthew for the first time since this entire conversation started.

"Why do you care about the father, I get the girl but the father?" He asked gesturing to me.

This is getting frustrating.

"It matters because I'm the father." I downed the rest of the whiskey and played with the glass between my fingers not making eye contact with my brothers.

The room became extremely quite. Nate's voice broke the silence. "So what are you going to do?"

"What can I do? I can't find her, I don't have her number-" I began but was interrupted by David.

"Did you forget why we are called Piers men little brother?" He smirked. "We always get our women."

We all began laughing at his comment.

"He's right you know, let's find this Victoria Hunter, God knows we all want to be uncles again." Anthony added making laughter erupt once more.

"So what are you men up to?" Julie walked in along with the rest of my sister-in-laws.

"Same here," John's wife Sarah added walking over to my brother and sat on his lap. "I would also like to know what's going on?"

All the girls sat beside their spouses.

"Don't worry were just talking about Victoria Hunter." Joked Matthew putting quotes around Tori's name.

"You guys mean Tori?" Asked Julie.

"You know her love?" Jason asked placing his hand on her thigh.

"I can't believe you forgot." She spoke sternly, but underneath it all she could never stay mad at him. "You met her today with Jamie."

"That's right she had the really long red-blond hair, now-"

"You mean you know where I can find her?" Maybe my day was looking up after all.

"Well not me exactly but you could ask my friend Jamie, she's the one who introduced us, Can you guys tell us what's going on?"

"Well sweet heart your friend is pregnant and the father is Mr. Tall Dark and Beastly himself." He smiled at her while glancing at Alex.

"You mean Alex-"

"Knocked her up!" Interrupted Matthew.

"Can you all please stop acting like I'm not here!"

"But put all jokes aside I'll find her," Jason's smiled was replaced with a serious look. "I'll call Blake and tell him to find her with help from a few of the other guys."

"But should we involve the family Mafia Jason, although you are the leader, then again why not this is a very important matter," Anthony smirked. "Okay find her friend and she'll tell us where we can find Alex's girl."

"What's in it for you guys?" I looked at them all.

"Nothing just seeing our brother happy will do, Jason will just pull a few strings and you know the rest." They all smirked.

Why do I feel like I'm going to regret this...


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