Chapter Three

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Authors Point of View

They arrived at the mansion a few hours later. The place was surrounded by large walls and secluded by a private gate. Lush trees and greenery covered the drive up to the front door.

The ground paved with limestone that lead to a delicate fountain of an angel. The house had a very calm feel to it, it looked like a place where you could raise a grand if not an enormous family.

Parking at the front we began walking around the back. Turning the corner we were met with an oversized infinity pool and hundreds of persons stood talking. Small children ran around barefoot and laughing. Persons stood around large grills that held barbeque food while the rest sat by the pool and mingled. Overall the backyard was packed.

"Jamie, I thought you said it was only family and friends, it looks like an entire town." She held on to Jamie's hand as they made their way through the crowd.


A tall dark haired woman came over. She had on light make up and was a lot taller than me her emerald eyes really stood as she cradled a baby in her arms.

"Jamie you made it," She had a slight British accent when she spoke "And you must be the lovely Tori it's a pleasure meeting you."

She cradled the baby in her arms. She was adorable she has thick black hair and a beautiful set of blue eyed with plump rosy cheeks as she stayed their cooing.

"I'm Julie."

"It's nice to meet you." I shook her hand.

"You too."

"Julie!" Someone called her. She looked over by the pool to see a tall tanned skin man.

"Jason honey could you come over here for me please?" His eyes were as blue as the ocean. Dark hair that caught at his nape. He stood over six feet in height. His T-shirt showed of his abs along with his black pants. His body looked well built and to top it off his smile reached his eyes.

He walked over to us briskly standing beside Julie and kissed her cheeks.

"Jason meet Jamie and Tori my friends girls meet my husband Jason." He placed light kisses on both our hands.

"Its a pleasure to meet you both." He had a very strong Italian accent.

I cleared my throat as Jamie continued to stare at him like a lost puppy. "Julie I thought this was a small family and friends gathering?"

Jamie looked around and shook her head in agreement.

"It's about three hundred and seventy family members and ninety something friends," She looked around estimating the amount of persons present. "So yes it is a small family gathering."


Jamie and Tori mingled around a bit and got acquainted with the family members. It seemed that this family consisted of mostly males and the few females they had were drop dead gorgeous. Julie and Tori how spent most of their time talking until Angela spat up on her mom making Julie run to find a change of clothes.

She came back a few minutes later in a T-shirt and short kaki colored shorts.

"Thank you so much Tori, your a life saver." She took little Angela from Tori and began cooing at the baby while she giggled showing her teeth that were hardly coming out.

"Your welcome, I loved looking after her, she's adorable." She giggled again.

Tori began feeling queasy forgetting she should have taken her tablets before coming here. "Can I please use you bathroom?"

"Sure, third floor take a left at the large portrait of a garden, second door on the right."

Tori briskly walked up the stairs trying her hardest not to regurgitate on the way up, while walking down the hall she noticed the large portrait of the garden.

A couple stood at the balcony while looking at the garden of so many different flower while the sun was setting the painting was indeed lovely even breathtaking. Nausea broke her from her spellbound state so she hurried off to the bathroom to relieve her stomach.

She flushed the toilet and washed out her mouth. She walked out the restroom closing the door behind her. The house really was gorgeous. The floor was covered with a red carpet and a few small tables were placed against the wall with vases filled with red roses, the walls were painted white and red curtains covered the very large windows.

Its beauty really engrossed her that much so that she bumped into someone but before she could fall strong arms wrapped themselves around her. She was flushed steered, how embarrassing to not be looking where you were going.

"I'm sorry I should have been looking were I was going."

Whoever was holding her didn't reply for as she looked up she saw the one person who would shatter her world.



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