Chapter Eighteen

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Victoria's Point of view

We sat in the limo on our way home. I was currently leaning on Alexander's shoulder as he caressed my stomach.

"So do you like my family?" He kissed my forehead.

"I love them, their really fun especially your mom."

He chuckled, "You could say that."

His mom invited me on a shopping trip with her and the girls. We spent the entire day talking and getting to know each other. The guys were really funny, they tried to teach me Italian. While the girls gossiped with me. We ate dinner their and now it's almost midnight and we're going home.

We arrived home and headed to Alexander's room. I began to take off my flip flops as he removed his clothes and stayed in his boxers. I pulled of my sundress and laid on the bed. He soon joined me turning off the light. I cuddled up to him.

"Te amo dolce." He kissed my lips.

"I love you too."

"Your getting better at learning how to speak Italian."

"You can say that." I kissed him one last time and got comfortable on the bed.

"Goodnight love,"



It's been five days since I meet Alexander's family and tomorrow we will be going to see Nate. We were currently sitting upstairs while he massaged my swollen feet. They really pained a lot. I moaned as he massaged a spot that was killing me.

"Oh... God... that feels good,"

He chuckled. "If anyone heard you they would think we were having sex."

"Let them think what they want, they have no idea how good this feels." I wiggled my toes.

"What ever you say twinkle toes." He stopped massaging my toes and pulled me into his arms.

"Hey-" His lips crashed into mine. His hands roamed down to my sides until they reached my ass. He trailed kisses down neck as I ran my fingers through his hair. A knock was heard on the door. "I-I think we should get that." Another moan escaped my lips.

"Don't worry, leave it." He groaned and captured my lips once more this time kissing me tenderly. A knock was heard again.

"Just answer it."

"Fine," He groaned "Who is it?" He sounded pissed.

"Sir someone is here to see you." Williams voice called out from the other side of the door.

"Tell whoever it is to come back later." He was about to start kissing me again when William spoke.

"Sir they said it was important."

"Let's just go see who it is." I gave him a small peek on the lips. He took my hand and lead me towards the door. William stood at the door waiting.

Alexander's point of view

We descended the stairs. As I looked at the door Amelia stood their smiling and pregnant. How can she just show up after we broke up over six months ago. We broke up after I caught her in bed with one of my friends named Tay.

"Amy, what are you doing here?" anywhere this woman went trouble followed. I tightened my hold on Tori's hand.

"Hello Alexander," She smiled even wider. "I came to tell you I am pregnant and your the father." The whole room remained silent.

What the fuck!

Victoria's Point of view

I felt Alexander's hand tightened as he looked at the woman. Her blond hair was in a bun as she stood their smiling. They words she spoke next shook my world. I grabbed my hand out from Alexander's and ran back up the stairs leaving Alexander calling after me.

"Victoria wait!"

I ran into my room and slammed the door shut. I pulled out a suitcase and began throwing random clothes into it. The door opened. Merda! I should have locked the damn door.

"Where are you going Tori?"

"Where are you going Tori?" I replied back sarcastically. "As far away from you as possible!" I zipped up the suitcase and yanked it off the bed. I began pulling it when he grabbed it.

"Tori it's not what you think-"

"Not what I think, What is it? Are you going around impregnating ever woman you see!" I tugged at the suitcase but it wouldn't budge.

"Can you hear me out, I didn't know she was pregnant!" He yelled frustratedly.

"You didn't know, yes I so believe you." My eyes began to sting "How could you this to me and the baby! What are you trying to do, make sure that when you die, you have children to fight and take over your multi-billion dollar company, well you can count this one out, or were you going to run off with her and leave me and you other child alone!" A tear slipped out my eye. "I will not be like my mother and die with a broken heart. They say when you love something you set it free, well I'm setting you free." The tears poured down my cheeks.

I grabbed the handle of the suitcase and left the room, leaving him their shocked.


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