Chapter Five

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Authors Point of View

Alex caught her just in time before she collided with the floor. He picked her up and carried her to a room then gently laid her down on the bed. With big strides he hurried to the backyard. Luckily his brother Matt was medical doctor. He walked over to a circle filled with young women with a certain male standing in the middle.

"Matt I need to speak to you."

"Please excuse me ladies," He smiled and walked off with Alex "So how can I help you?"


"Well she's very healthy, nothing out of the ordinary, she's fine, the baby might just be tiring her out, her fatigue are off the charts." Matt examined the woman.

"Wait, what baby!" he looked at his brother with utter shock and disbelief.

"Well big brother she's pregnant form what I can tell and by the looks of it," He replied casting a glance at Tori.

"That's not possible-"

"Well it is Alex, who is this woman?" Matt pulled up a seat beside the bed sitting down.

"Her name is Tori, Victoria Hunter to be more precise-"

"So how do you know this is Victoria?" interrupted Matt.

"I'm getting the to that," He gritted out through clenched teeth "So as I was saying we met two months ago at a party."

"I know you Alex, you don't just meet women," He faked coughed "I point out your reputation"

"That's little brother is none of your business," He retorted quite frankly.

"Okay, I'll bite, I'll back off with the questions," He got up from the seat and turned towards the door "For now." He muttered and closed the door leaving Alex with Tori.


Victoria woke up feeling very light headed. As she took in her environment as she noticed she was not in her house but in a room that did not belong to her. Bile began to rise form Stomach, she threw the sheets off of her and immediately ran into the bathroom.

Alex heard her get out of bed. He arrived in the bathroom just in time to see her trying to pull her hair back. He gathered her hair into his hands, then began rubbing her back.

Tori heard when Alex entered the bathroom. He began helping her to hold back her hair and rubbing her back. After she finished throwing up, she got up from the toilet and went over to the sink to wash away the taste of bile from her mouth. Alex flushed the toilet and leaned against the door frame waiting for her to finish.

Tori give him a faint smile, walked passed him back into the room and sat on the bed.

She took a few breaths trying to compose herself before she spoke.

"What happened?"

"Lets see you fainted and your pregnant?" He walked over to the chair beside her bed and sat down waiting for her explanation.

Panic struck Victoria to the core. How did he know she was pregnant, This is bad, I need to get out here, I can't- I can't handle this.

It seems as though Alex was reading her mind. When he spoke you could clearly hear the jealousy in each word. "Don't stress yourself so much I think your boyfriend wouldn't be too happy to hear you fainted on my account." The distaste was evident when he said boyfriend.

"I don't have a boyfriend." If she could take back anyway words in her life those would be the words. The wheels look as if they were turning in his head.

"Wait a minute, Victoria answer me this, how far along are you in your pregnancy?" His tone of voice implied he was serious and that she had no other option.

She didn't want to answer so she got up and began to walk towards the door. As her fingers barely grazed the door knob Alex held on to one of her hand.

"Victoria answer me." He spoke softly but that just made it worst.

She knew he was angry, What harm could this do?

"Two months, a few days and a couple of hours." She whispered.

"Let me put this together we met five no nine weeks ago and now your pregnant and you don't have a boyfriend." Alex looked down at his hand as he felt something wet touch it. As he look up into her eyes he saw tears to cascading down her cheeks.

"I can't do this, I just can't, I'm sorry, I can't take it," She sobbed "Let me go Alex, just let me go." she pleaded.

He felt something clench his heart and continuously tugged at it. "Tori answer this final question and I will let you go."

She nodded in reply.

"Who is the babies father?"

"I-I can't tell you." The words stuttered from her lips.

"Why can't you tell me?" He snapped at her. "Just answer the question, who is the father?" His tone was firm.

"If I tell you will you let me go after?" She knew if this day would come sooner or later but I guess in this case it's sooner rather than later.

He nodded his head.

Tori took a deep breath and finally replied "Your the babies father."


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