Chapter Twenty-six

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Victoria's Point of view

We were at the school's fair. I was still shaken up about yesterday. Questions kept going through my mind continuously but the biggest one was who?

I felt Alexander tighten his hold on my waist. "Stop worrying so much."

Taking a deep breath. He's right I shouldn't let some crazy ass person get in my way of enjoy my day with my students. "Your right."

"Good, now gimme a kiss." He smiled.

"Nope." He began pouting. "Okay maybe just one."

I got up on the tip of my toes and pressed my lips against his. He wrapped his arms around my waist as I heard the sound of cameras. Stepping away from Alexander. We were surrounded by the media. He stepped in front of me block the flashes the light.

"Alexander, Alexander over here!" They all tried to get his attention.

"People calm down your at a children's fair and your drawing too much attention." Looking around I could see everyone at the fair starring. "I'll answer ten questions and no more."

"Who is she?"

"Is your child she's carrying?"

"Is she a replacement for Amelia?"

"Are you two in a relationship?"

"Was she a mistress?"

"Weren't you and Amelia engaged?"

"Is your reputation as the beast over?"

"Is she pregnant for you?"

"How far along is she?"

"Is your family happy about all this?"

Some of those questions really hurt. I'm no one's replacement!

"Enough!" They all became quit."First off her name is Victoria Hunter and I'm totally and madly in love with her," He looked at me with admiration in his eyes. "She's also my fiance and she's no one's replacement." He stated firmly. "Amelia was my past and I don't regret breaking up with her and we were never engaged. And finally yes she's carrying my babies, my entire family is very happy that I finally settled down and yes my reputation as the beast is over to every one other than my future wife. Now I would really appreciate it if you all left the fair it's a fund raiser not a runway. "

We turned and headed to were the principal was speaking. Walking over to the podium persons began to gather. "Welcome to Raymond's kindergarten. Today is our annual fair and I would like to thank you all for coming already persons have began donating money one such person is Mr. Alexander Piers who has donated half a million dollars to the refurbishing of our school equipment." The crowd erupted in cheers as my eyes widened.

I turned to look at him as he stood their smiling.

"When did you do this?"

"The other day I came by here and offered the money to the principal with the agreement that he would fix the classrooms."

"Thank you Alex but half a million dollars isn't pocket change."

"Don't worry I just want the children here to be happy."

He pecked my lips.

"Now let's begin the festivities," The principal. I now declare the school fair officially started under the theme a father and sons love." Persons began cheering once again as the crowd began to disperse.

"Missus Hunter!" I turned around and saw Josh running towards us. Alexander stooped down and he ran into his arms. Lifting him up he smiled at us.

"Hello Josh, where's your mom?" He looked at me confused.

"She's right-"

"Isn't that Katherine over there?" Alex interrupted pointing to Katherine with some of the other parents.

"Your right," I turned towards Josh "How would you like to spend the day with us?"

He looked confused again. "I though I-"

"I'm sure he would."

We began walking around the fair enjoying the festivities. We bought cotton candy and cookies. Josh enjoyed himself as did I. As the day went by the sun began to set as the father son race began. Although Josh wasn't our son I knew he really wanted to be apart of it so he and Alex joined.

"Okay on your marks, get set, go!"

The race began as Alexander and Josh were in third place. Immediately the twins kicked me in my bladder. Shit! That hurt. I waddled to the bathroom.

I made it their in the nick of time. It felt so good. These two were really giving me a hard time. As I sat their J heard heels clicking against the tile.

"Is someone there?" I asked but no one replied. Getting up I flushed the toilet and walked to the sink to wash my hand. Looking up to the mirror I gasped.

I'm still here bitch
And theirs nothing you can do about it he fucked me first.


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