My Broken Heart

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He turned to look at me and gave me a disgusted look then looked away.

"Great..." I said to myself.

"Good morning class, today we have a new student joining our class! Would you like to introduce yourself to the class?" Mr. Keller asked.

He sighed and got up slowly.

"Hey what's up. My name's Cash..." He said sitting back down.

"Cash... That's a hot name right?" Elena whispered, nudging my shoulder.

"Get over it..." I rolled my eyes.

"You will be partnered with someone in the class and be doing a natural disaster project..." The teacher continued.

No, no NO! Fuck no!

"Ok... Luke with McKenzie..." He got further into the list.

"Elena and Cash... Josh and Rylon..." THANK YOU GOD!!! I LOVE YOU!!!

I danced my happy dance in my mind.... Wait a minute... Did he say he was partnered with Elena??? I looked at her scared.

As I finally made eye contact with her, she grinned evily.

"No! I know what you're thinking, and no! You better not talk about me to him!" I whispered.

"Try and stop me..." She said getting up and walking to the seat next to him. Then josh sat next to me.

'I'm gonna kill you!' I mouthed to her.

"Hey, rylon. Long time no see!" Josh said smiling at me.

"Hey Josh" I smiled back. Josh is Elena's brother. He's really nerdy, like me. but he's like really, really smart... He knows everything there is to electronics and stuff like that! And he's a really great guy.

" do you wanna let me do the project? Its not a big deal..." He said pulling out a notebook.

"No, no I'll help, that would be rude of me!" I said

"Well I'm already done with the outline of what we're gonna do..." He said. I looked at his paper and was amazed at how fast he was.

"Wow...Ok when do we start?" I asked.

"Whenever you want..." He said pushing up his glasses with his finger.

Before I could answer the bell rang. I stood up and got my bag off the floor I turned back to look at josh but instead I looked at his chest which was eye level to me.

I looked up and answered.
"How about tomorrow?" I suggested.

"Tomorrow sounds great, have a great day Ry!" He said walking out.

I turned back to look at Elena and she gave me a grin.

"What did you do???" I stomped my way to her.

"Nothing..." She giggled.


"Ok, ok. I got his number..."

"What!?!? Elena you're joking right? Did you mention me?"
She simply smiled.

"That's for me to know and for you to find out..." She grinned, turned on her heals and walked out.

"I have my eyes on you!" I said walking out.


I walked into the house trying to make the least amount of noise so I didn't wake Eric since he came home an hour earlier than me.

As I finished locking the front door I turned to go up to my room but I ran into a chest.

"I'm so sorry... I-I didn't know you were behind m-me"
I stuttered nervously.

"That's not why you did it.... You wanna fuck don't you?" He said grinning.

"No, I don't... Please let me go to my room. I'll make you Dinner in a little." I said trying not to sound intimidated.

"No" he said pushing me down on the couch causing me to hit my head to hit the wall. I winced in pain.

"Suck this dick!" He said undoing his pants.

"No! John said you couldn't touch me!" I said trying to get up.

"I Don't give a fuck what he says!" He punch me in the face causing me to crash into the floor.

"Leave me alone!" I said trying to crawl away from him.
He bent down and pulled me by my hair.

"Stop!!! Stop! Stop!" I cried.

"You gonna suck this dick?" He said whispering, still pulling me by my hair.

" please... Leave me alone... Please!" I sobbed.

"That's not the answer I was looking for..."

He pulled me up and threw me on his shoulder.
He walked to his bedroom and threw me one the bed.

"D-don't h-hurt me please!" I pleaded.

"You could have just sucked me off and you would've been good, but it's too late to turn back now..." He grinned evily and got on the bed.

"You're gonna be my bitch tonight...". He ripped off my pants... Then my shirt... Then my underwear...

"I'm gonna fuck you so good..." He licked his lips and took his shirt off.

I tried screaming for help but only sobbs came out.

He took off the rest of his clothes and crawled towards me.

"Stop... Please" I said with a small voice.

"Shut up!" He punched me on my cheek causing a ringing in my ears.

"You're gonna love this dick... Aren't you my little bitch.... Spread your legs!" He said as I felt his penis in between my legs.
I knew what was gonna happen... But there was no one here to help me so I knew it was gonna happen either way. So I didn't fight.

"Yeah... You like that dick don't you?" He said pushing further into me.

The pain was unbearable... But I had to take it. I deserve it after all... Look at me... I'm nothing, I deserve this and much worse...

"Fuck! You're fucking tight! Shit!" He moaned as he thrusted his hips against mine.

"Aggggggh! Imma cum! Take it bitch!" He groaned as I felt something warm spill in me.
He kissed my neck as he did.

He pulled out and got up.
"now get up and make me food bitch!" He put his pants on and walked out.

Why does this happen to me? I never did anything to anyone... I've waited so long for karma to do its job. And for me to be happy but I waited too long... I mean look at what's happening to me!

And you know what? I actually don't deserve this! None of this! That was the last straw! I'm gonna get my revenge on these mother fuckers! I'm gonna fucking kill them!!! Say goodbye to the sweet innocent Rylon...

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