Distaction from Reality

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I played on my, well my new bed.

"Hey, don't be sad... Look you're with us now, you're safe now" Josh said rubbing my back.

"I'm really happy about that, really. But I feel helpless that I didn't get justice for my mom's death." I said quietly.

"I know, and I'm really sorry. But Ry you can't do anything to change it anymore. What's been done is done"

"I know..." I said looking down at my hands.

"Come on. Let go downstairs"

"Ok" I got up and walked behind him.

We walked into the living room and I saw Elena eating a bag of popcorn with ice cream.

"Don't judge!" She said before taking another spoonful of ice cream.

"So, we should go out later! Specially since rylon doesn't have clothes"

"True, true" she said getting up.
"Omg! Were gonna get you a whole new wardrobe! I'm so excited!" She squealed.

"Yay!..." I said. Oh god...


We walked down the mall we had already went through twelve stores and I had more than twenty bags, but josh helped me carry them.

"Elena! Can't we go home now? I think this is enough" i pleaded.

"Ok were done with the clothes now we can go buy jewelry and your hair bleach and shoes!" Ok when did I agree to bleach my hair???

"You're gonna bleach my hair???"

"Haha don't be silly. I'm only gonna ombre it. You're gonna look even more gorgeous!"
She said smiling.

We walked down to Sally's and as we were about to walk in I bumped into someone.

"Hey, Rylon I haven't seen you in a while" it was Cash.

"Hey!" He said trying not to sound awkward

"Well, I'll seeya around!" He said before walking off.

"You talk to him!?!?" She asked with her mouth gaping open

"We're friends" I said.

"Whatevs..." She stared at me knowingly and walked into the store

"Ok... So we're gonna add highlights.... Oh here it is!" She said taking a paint brush and a bowl.

"Now let's go home..." She grinned to herself..


"Ouch!!!" I yelled as she ripped off my face mask.

As she finished blowing my hair out I looked at the mirror... Who is that?

That's me! That's me!!!
My hair looked beautiful for once. I forgot how I look like without glasses!

As she then stood back so I can fully see myself. My mouth was gaping open.

"Shut.... Up...." I said in shock.

"You look so gorgeous!!!" She clapped her hands as she jumped up and down.

"Let's go show josh!" She said, and before I could respond she got me by my hand and pulled me downstairs.

"Josh... I present you the new Rylon Blackwood!" She said dramatically.

"What are you tal...." He was about to say but then looked at me. He eyed me oddly but then smiled.

"Wow! You look great Ry!" He said with a big smile on his face.

"Thank you" I said obviously blushing.

"Omg! Rylon we have to go out tonight!" She squeaked.

"Uhm I don't know..."

"Oh come on! Its gonna be fun!" She said" Fine! Fine!" I said surrendering


We walked out of her car and walked down the parking lot of the mall.

"I seriously don't know what we're doing here if we literally were just here today" I said.

"Relax, we're not here To go shopping..." She said as she grinned her evil grin.

"Elena! Were not going to do anything bad! I'm telling you that right now!" I said as I stopped walking.

"Come on Ry don't be a loser! Let's go have fun!" She whined then grabbed my hand and pulled me with her.

As we walked around I noticed that there were a lot more teens then there were in the afternoon

"Oh look!" She pointed to a tall guy.

"What about him?"

"He's sexy! And probably gay! Go talk to him" she said pushing me

"no! Are you crazy?"

"why? Just go talk to him!"

"Ugh! No Elena!" I begged.

"I'm not taking no as an answer!"
She pulled me to the guy

"Hi mister! My friend here would like to get to know you" she said before walking off.

"Hey! You're pretty" he says d running his hands through his hair.

"Thank you!" I said blushing.

"You have a boyfriend?" He asked.

"No, you have a boyfriend?" I asked awkwardly.

"WHAT??? Are you saying I look gay?" He said looking offended.
What? Then why the hell would he say I was pretty?

"Well didn't you just..." I said confused.

"Wait... You're a guy?" He asked with wide eyes


"Oh my gosh dude! I thought you were a chick!" He said laughing.

"Sorry bro... But I wasn't trying to be homo" he laughed as he walked off.

"What happened?"

"He, uhm thought I was a girl... Then realized I was a boy and left"

"I'm so sorry!" She said hugging me.

What's this feeling I have in my chest... Its like being scared but with a thrill... He thought I was a girl...

"Don't feel bad... We'll find a guy..."

"Its ok! Let's go get ice cream!" I said with a big smile on my face.

"Are you ok? You seem a little too happy..."

" yeah."

By the time we were finished with having 'fun' she had like thirteen guys numbers, even though she has a boyfriend...

"Can we go home now?" I asked.

"Ok ok! Just hold on let me get one more guy's number!" She pleaded but I wasn't gonna let that happen and dragged her to the parking lots.


I woke up to the beautiful sounds of birds chirping and the morning sun glaring at my face.

I sat up and stretched. Then a few moments later Elena walked in.

"Hey mom has to take josh and I to the dentist and we're probably gonna be back till noon. There's breakfast on the table. Have fun seeya later!" She said walking out.

"Bye!" I said loud enough for her to hear me.

I got up and walked to the bathroom to brush my teeth then when I did I walked downstairs to the kitchen.

When I got there I turned on the kitchen TV and saw the news as I ate.

"This just in, there was a break in at the gran Estrella bank just a few minutes ago reporters have gathered information that there was twenty million robbed. The robber has not yet been identified and is still on the run-" I changed the channel cuz this was boring as hell...

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