My Name

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"You better not fuck this up or else he'll kill you" the girl said applying a dark red lipstick on me.

"I wouldn't want to fuck this up... I'm getting benefited from this too" I said pushing up my fake boobs.

"Go you're up now... You're goal is for you to get his attention enough for him to want to talk to you. Now go!" She pushed me out the curtain.

The only thing I saw were men... They were sitting below whistling. I searched the room until my eyes landed on John... He had on a disgusting smirk.

I felt the nervousness and anxiousness leave my body. There were two other girls working the poles. I got the one that was closest to the crowd.

I grabbed it and began dancing. I made eye contact with him and I winked.

I bent over to the crowd and got down on my knees. I began crawling slowly to the crowd. There was this guy at the end of the stage that was throwing money.

I crawled to him sexually. As I did I perked my boobs. Once I reached him he put a few hundred in my bra. I saw John in the corner of my eye.

I sat on my knees and wiggled my finger for him to come over.

Surely enough he did.

"Damn... You got a nice pair" he said licking his lips.

"I bet you have a nice tool" I said whispering in his ear...

"I'll show you if you want..." He said.

"How about I give you a dance... Just for you..." I whispered again.

"I'd like that baby" I got up and began dancing on the pole again till I was finished.

I walked backstage and told one of the girls I had a private lap dance with him.

"I'll go tell Roman that, stay here" I waited till she came back with him.

"Here put this in your ear. We're gonna be able to hear everything he says" I quickly put it on.

He sent me to a room with a lot of mirrors and a chair on the center with John sitting on it.

Once he saw me his face lit up.
"You're soooo fucking sexy... Turn around... Let me see that ass" instead of just turning around. I turned and sat on his lap. I rubbed my ass on his groin in circular motion.

"Fuck... You got a fat ass! Mmmmm"

I got off of him and began dancing in front of him.

"Tell me... What's your name" I asked putting my hands on his lap.

"John... What's you're name beauty..." Fuck! What do I do??? I can't say I'm Kara because that might put Cash in danger. Make up a name!

"My name's Sofia... So what do you do for a living?" I asked sitting on him again but this time facing him.

"I run a big business...." He said making an o shape with us mouth.

"What kind of business?" I asked grinding my hips on his.

"Well.... I have my own trafficking... Of sorts"

"Sounds like fun..." I said getting up and walking around to the back of his chair.

"You'd like it there"

"I'm sure I would... But I'm here where I want to be... I love it here" I lied running my hands from his shoulders to his chest.

"Come on.... Wed be great working together..."

"I'll think about it..." I danced for a few more minutes

"Come sit on my lap again..."

"I would..."

"What do you mean?"

"You only paid for ten minutes" I said tapping on the door for them to let me out.

I blew him a kiss before walking out. Revenge is on its way fucker....

"Why the fuck did you say no to him!? You were supposed to take the damn if he offered it to you!!!" Roman said pushing me against the wall.

"You know idiot... If I would've accept it he would have gotten suspicious that I took the damn job right away! Get the fuck out of my face" I said pushing him away.

"Get your ass back in there and tell him you're gonna take the damn job!!!"

"I hope you know that both of us are working in this, not just you!"

"Remember when I said you do whatever I tell you to do!?"

"I change my mind... You may be the leader of your stupid weak mafia but you're not my leader! I make my own choices"

"The fuck you do! If you don't get your ass back in there-"

"What... You're gonna tell little Ben to come beat me up? Hmm? Try harder... I'm done for today... See you tomorrow"

I said getting my coat and putting it on.

I left before he could say anything else.


Fuck! I'm late!


I put short shorts on and a tight white long sleeve with slits at the elbows.

I left my hair in messy waves, grabbed a nude lipstick and put it on.

Son of a bitch! I need a taxi. I grabbed my phone and called for one to pick me up.
As I waited I ran to a mirror that was on the wall.

I did my concealer then I grabbed bronzer and contoured my face. I grabbed my eyeliner and did my eyes grabbed a brown eye shadow and applied it. I then put on my light brown contacts.

I gave myself one last look.

I was about to walk out but realised I didn't have any shoes on. Damn it!

I looked for my while heels for awhile then I finally found them.

Right as I walked out I saw the taxi arrive.

He drove me to the school and I paid him.

Ok, I know I said I wasn't gonna go to school anymore... But I mean... I don't want to leave Cash alone....

"Hey gorgeous" I heard him say as he wrapped his arms around my waist.

"Hey Cash...."

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