Let Me Love You

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I walked onto campus for the last time...

Last time? You may ask. Well... The only reason why I came was because of Josh...

I walked down the halls happily hiding my pain. Like I say, people can't see things that aren't shown...

"Hey...." I heard a small voice come from my side.

It was Cash... By now everyone had gone in their classes.

He had his hands behind his back and he smiled at me weakly.

"Sup..." I smiled at him

"So you broke up with that one guy?" He said as his smile grew...

"Who told you that?"

"Well I saw him with another girl this morning."

"... Cash..." I started but he interrupted

"Wait... I want you to hear me out.... I know you feel the same way I do... I can see it in your eyes... Stop doing this to yourself... Let me love you. I just want to love you Kara... You don't have anymore reasons to not be with me anymore..." He said taking out roses out from behind him.

"Cash... Cash.. What are you doing?"

"Kara... Will you be my girlfriend?" He asked getting closer to me.

"Cash... I can't... I really can't I'm sorry"

"Why not! I know you have feelings for me ok! Stop trying to hide them! Tell me why!" what should I do!!! If I do he'll be at risk! And he doesn't love you Ry! He loves Kara! And if I say yes hell find out and he'll probably beat me up or something! He might even kill me! He probably doesn't have feelings for me, maybe he's just trying to hurt me! I started feeling dizzy and my body fell but I felt two strong arms catch me.

"Kara! Are you ok? What's wrong?!" He said worriedly looking at me in the eyes. Then it clicked. I felt a strong feeling of safe warmth and a different feeling too it was unexplainable.

"Yes, I'll be your girlfriend" I said before processing what I was feeling.

I stood back on my feet with my face completely red.

"You will???" He said with the happiest look on his face.

"Y-yes" I said looking down. What have I gotten myself into...

I felt two arms envelope me. I can't get over the feeling... All the stress and worry drained from my body and was replaced with ecstasy.

"I don't expect you to return these words but I love you..." He whispered into my hair.


"Remember this place" he said as we walked to the spot we were at the last time.

"How could I not..." I said sitting down on the cold floor.

"You're so beautiful..." He said eyeing me.

"Stop lying!" I said hitting him in the shoulder playfully.

"You really are..." He said looking at my face observantly.

"No... You're beautiful" I said smiling at him before pulling out grass from the ground and throwing it at his face.

"You little!!!" I got up and ran.

"You can't get me!" I said running from him.

"I'm gonna get you!" I felt an arm wrap around my waist and I was lifted from the ground.

"Aaaaaah! Stop! I'm sorry! Ok ok!!!" He lightly threw me on the floor and started tickling me.

He got on me and started tickling me harder.

"AAAAAAH STOP! IMMA PEE! IMMA PEEEEE!!!" I screamed as I felt my stomach burning from all the laughing.

He stopped and smiled. He was on top of me with my body pinned to the floor. It went completely silent. Seconds felt like centuries... He started running his hand on my waist.

"You're so beautiful" he said leaning down before kissing me. I felt a chill run up my back, I was in ecstasy. He poked his tongue through.

Just as I was gonna part my lips my phone went off.

"Sorry. I have to take this" I said getting up. I looked at the number and saw it was Roman. I walked far enough for Cash to not be able to hear me.


"I need you here now... We have something for you to do before you go"

"I'll be there immediately"

"hey uhm its an emergency... Can you drop me off?"

"Sure." He said getting up and dusting himself.

"Is everything alright?" He asked as we drove to my hotel.

"Yeah, everything is fine" I said looking out the window.

"Well here we are..." He said tapping the steering wheel with his fingers.

"Thank you so much! I'll call you later!" I said before getting out.
I took out my phone and called Roman.

"Send one of your men to come get me"

"There's one already there. He's parked on the side of the hotel"

I made sure Cash was gone so I could go. I quickly went over and surely enough I saw a black car.

I tapped on the window and he rolled it down.

"He didn't give me one"

"Ok, its you. Get in"

We drove to Roman's club and the closer we got the more and more nervous I got until we finally got there

"Welcome! Cash is waiting for you in his office" one of the strippers said.

We walked up to his office and notice there were two other girls.

"Kara... You're late!"he said with an angered face.

"Shut up and have beef with your Driver for driving so damn slow."

"Give her the clothes... Put them on" he said as one if the girls gave me a lingerie.

"What is this?" I asked

"A fucking lingerie now put it on"

"Why the fuck do I have to do that?"

"Because, you're gonna pretend to be a new stripper at the place he's gonna be at tonight... Give her a wig. We can't have them figuring out who she is" the other girl handed me a bright red shoulder length wig.

"Put the stuff on" he said

"In here?"

"Hurry the fuck up and do it. We don't have much time!"

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