The Truth

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"Drop the bags over there" the guy that opened the door said.

We walked in and did so.

"We expect the money by tomorrow morning or youre dead!" One of johns men said grabbing the guys collar.

"Ok ok! We will!" He then dropped him and we headed out.

"Is that it? No use of guns? Ni violence?" I asked a we went back yo the car.

"Wait till tomorrow... We know theyre not gonna have the money and thats when the real fun starts..." He said as we drove...

"Rylon" Roman said as I walked into his office.


"How was it?" He asked getting up from his chair.

"It was good... There wasn't much to it... I think this might be easier than I thought" I said taking off the wig.

"I want to talk about something. Sit." I sat in a chair and waited for him to start.

"You need to quit it with Cash." He said simply.

"Why would I do that?"

"Because... This us getting more and more riskier... Why do you think I'm alone hm? This isn't fun and games... I want you to break it with him tomorrow"

"You can't tell me what to do!"

"I just did... And you're gonna comply"

"Or what!"

"You can say bye bye to your boyfriend"

"You won't do shit! You think I don't know about this? You trained me! I'll slice your throat in less than a second!" I said standing up.

"Do it... But I've already told all my men what will happen if you don't comply... Either way he'll be dead"

"You won't do anything to him!"

"Why do you even care for him! He doesn't love you! He loves Kara!!! Get out if this stupid fairly land you have your head in and face reality! He doesn't love you!!!"

I grabbed my bag and walked out of there.


"Hey beautiful..." I felt Cashs arms wrap around my waist.

"Hey cash..." I said in a quiet voice.

"Why so sad? Whats wrong?" He asked giving me a kiss on the forehead.

"I have to tell you something after school" I said holding my binder on my chest.

"Is it serious?" He said with his smile disappearing

"Just wait for me near the bleachers ok?" I said avoiding eye contact.

"Ok..." He said looking at me worriedly

For the whole day I couldn't focus... Right when I thought things would get better it came crashing down...

"Watch where you're fucking going..." I felt someone shove past me...

I looked up and saw Josh right there walking with his girlfriend and Elena.

Elena gave me a dirty look and rolled her eyes.

I sat on the bleachers waiting for him to appear.

I decided that I was gonna tell him the whole truth. I was gonna tell him I'm Rylon. If I'm gonna lose him I want the truth to be what sets us apart and not dome lie.

I know hell reject me and leave me... Maybe I'll get attacked, exactly what i deserve for lying.

Before I tell him everything I need to remember that he didn't love me.... He loved Kara... Just like Roman said.

"Hey..." I heard him say as he got closer to the bleachers.

"Hey" I said swallowing the knot in my throat.

"What is it you had to tell me about? Is it about my breath? Its about my breath right?" He said with a smile growing on his face.

"Cash... I want you to know that I don't want you to hold back... Whatever you feel like you need to do then do it..."

I stayed silent for a bit, trying to figure out how to say it.

"Cash... I've been lying to you for a long time... I know I should've told you at the very beginning... I don't expect you to forgive me..."

"What is it Kara!" He said getting impatient.

"Cash... I'm..i-im not who you think I am... M-my name isn't Kara..." He looked at me confused.

"I'm... I'm Rylon! I'm Rylon!!! I faked my own death! I know I should've told you! I'm sorry!" I said bursting into tears and falling to the floor.

"Kara... Don't joke about that... You do know that boy is missing right?"

"I'm not lying! Look at me!" I threw off my extensions... I slipped out my contacts and rubbed my face till my makeup was mostly gone.

"I'm sorry I lied!!! I just..... I just had to if I wanted to survive!" I cried and cried... But I didn't hear Cash....

"Why.... Why would you do this to me?" He said and I looked up to meet his angered eyes.

"I... I had to hide Cash... I had no choice!"

"I don't give a fuck why the fuck you were You fucking pervert!!! You're a sick person! I wish you fucking died!!! I wish you fucking died!!!" He got up and rushed to me.

"You worthless piece of shit!!! I'm gonna make you pay!" He got me from my collar and lifted me up. I didn't struggle... I wasn't gonna fight back...

"I WISH YOU WERE FUCKING DEAD!!! KILL YOURSELF!!! I WANNA SEE YOU AT YOUR DEATH!!!!" He screamed at the top of his lungs. His eyes were full of something I've never seen before... It scared me... But it hurt me, it hurt me like he just pulled out my heart.

I simply was there taking his hurtful words and his constant shoves.

"I never... You hear me... I never want to see you again" He said before walking off.

I did it for him.... For his sake...

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