Cold Shoulder

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It had been a whole week of continuous training. I told josh that I was going for a science camp with my class, which he of course didn't believe at first but I convinced him.

And today I'm returning. My body was sometimes giving up on me, I passed out a few times. And my face and muscles hurt, not much from the training but the beatings I had to take so they could see and fix how I react to pain.

"Is your stuff ready?" Roman asked coming in the room

"Yeah" I said putting my bag strap over my shoulder.

"I hope you're ready, tomorrow night is the night you start"

"I'm as ready as I'll ever be" I said walking out and then not his car.

"You sure seem excited to be going back home"

"Cuz I am, do you know what its like having to stay up for a whole week? If I don't get sleep soon I'm gonna go into a coma I swear..." I said tying my seatbelt.

"Well when you get home you're gonna sleep till tomorrow, I want you live and awake by tomorrow night" he said as we drove me home.

I finally entered the apartment and yelled.

"I'm home!!!!!!" I yelled then shortly heard something drop and shuffling come from Josh's room.

I walked over to tell him in case he didn't here me.

"Hey Josh I'm ho- AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH OH MY GOD! COVER YOURSELVES!!!" I screamed as I saw what was going on.

"Oh my god!!! What are you doing here? I thought you weren't gonna be home till later!" He said as he out on some boxers.

"Please.... please... Please tell me you didn't do it in my room!" I cried.

"Shut up Ry- Kara, shut up Kara!" He corrected himself as he noticed the girl was right behind him.

"Who is she sweetie?"

"That's my roommate, Kara. Kara this is Jasmine."

"Can I talk to you in private Josh?" I said as I grabbed a napkin and grabbed his arm with it.

"What is it???"

"Why is there a girl in our house???"

"So? I'm a teenager ok"

"Would you like it if I brought guys over and had sex with them? I think not. Now get rid of her"

"Rid of her??? That's my girlfriend... And we decided that she's gonna live with us"

"Live with us??? Josh are you fucking insane??? Do you not remember our secret that could get us both in jail??? What the hell is going through your head? I seriously thought you were smarter than that Josh.... Get that bitch out of here before I do!"



"I'm not getting rid of her... If you don't like the idea you can leave..."

"I'm seriously gone for one week and some bitch turns you into a wannabe badass? Get that fucking hooker out of-" I was interrupted by a fist smashing into my face... And it wasn't her's... It was Josh.

As I fell I grabbed my face in shock. His punch wasn't hurtful to me... But what really hurt me was that he would ever try to harm me... I looked up at him and saw no regrets in his eyes

"Get you and your shit out of here..." He said before returning to his room.

I felt a terrible feeling in my chest. What happened to him? Why is he acting this way?

I walked to my... The room. and took out a large luggage bag and started putting all my clothes in there. As I did I felt tears running down my face.

I pulled out my phone and called Roman


"Roman.... I-Is it ok if you pick me up... I have nowhere to stay... An-" he interrupted

"Whoa whoa whoa... I don't know what gave you the impression that I'm a nice guy... The only thing you and I do is business... See you tomorrow night" he said before hanging up.

I wasn't surprised by his reaction. I shut the luggage and walked out the room and into Josh's room. Now where is it.... Aha! I found his hard box and unlocked it. I took all the money and put it in my bag.... Hmmm that's a bit mean... I decided to leave him a dollar. There now we both have money. I locked it and walked out.

Both of them were on the couch watching TV but I decided to ignore them.

"Whoa! Where is she going?"

"Let her, she's not welcome here anymore"

"What why???" The girl said getting up.

"Were you guys fighting over me staying here? I could just leave! I don't want to cause trouble!" She said looking at me sympathetically.

"No, I just don't like it here anymore... Have fun..." I winked at Josh before heading out the front door.

I walked to the elevator and walked out of the complex calling a taxi to come for me.

I arrived at an expensive hotel I was gonna be staying at.

"Room 31 on the highest floor" the lady said giving me the card.

I walked to the elevator and went to my room.

"Come on Ry... Go to sleep you have a long day ahead of you tomorrow." I said trying to fall asleep.

I admit it... There was a lot of things going on right now and I wanted to curl up in a ball and cry... But I have to learn to control my feelings.... And anyways. All my problems will eventually come to a solution.

Sooner or later.

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