My Own Boss

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"This time I want you take the damn job! I swear if you fuck this up you're gonna be saying goodbye to your little boyfriend" Roman said as we drove to the club.

"Wait, how did know you about-"

"I've told you already. I know everything" he said not even bothering to look away.


"You made Roman really mad the other day..." The girl said applying on the makeup.


"And if you do that again he'll kill you if you try anything like that again"

"I'm not scared of him"

"You've never seen the mad side of him" she said taking a step back.

"I don't fear him"

"Just... Just be careful..."

"What do you mean?"

"You didn't hear this from me... He uhm... Once he gets what he wants he'll get rid of you in a heartbeat... As in death... Just be careful"

"I'll be careful Ok" I said reassuringly.

"Out now! His crew is here!" Roman said throwing the door open.

I got up and pushed my way passed him.

"Good evening... How may I serve you" I said going behind the bar.

"You're a bartender too?" He asked taking a seat in one of the chairs

"Well I have to make money" I said mixing up a drink.

He looked at me and pulled out his wallet to pay for the drink.

"No don't worry about it. Its on the house" I said smiling.

"Here you go" I said giving it to him.

"You're too sexy to be working here..."

"Oh stop..." I said waving my hand

"I'm serious... You'd look better in my little business."

I stayed silent for a bit then he spoke.

"Would you want to? I mean you'd get paid and be treated like the queen you are" he said taking a sip of the drink

"I don't know...."

"Come on... It'll be great"

"I don't know... Its cuz I still have school to go to..."

"Its fine... We could arrange you a schedule... Don't worry about it..." He said. Ok this is where I finally give in.

"Ok... Yeah I think I might"

"Really!?!?" He said overly excited... Gross mother fucker.

"Yeah! I mean it sounds great... When would I start?"

"As soon as you want..." He said winking.

"How about tomorrow?"


I was getting undressed so I could get back into my normal clothes.

Then I heard the door open

I turned and saw Roman standing there grinning as he eyed me up and down.

"What do you want" I said slipping off the skirt.

"You think we have time for a quick?" I turned to fully face him and walked up to him.

"In case you don't remember I have a boyfriend..."

"You're point is?"

"I'm not fucking with you anymore"I said slipping on a shirt

"The fuck you aren't... Remember that I said that you do everything I tell you to do and you obey..."

"Those were the old rules... Before I knew how to defend myself. I'm my own boss now!" I said about to walk past him but was grabbed and thrown to the wall.

"Aaaaagh!" I groaned as my head banged against the wall.

"Do what I say and get on your damn knees" he said throwing me to the floor.

"Fuck you" I said before punching him in the balls.

"Have a good night Roman and see you tomorrow"

I left him on the floor gripping his area in pain.

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