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"Ladies and gentlemen... I'd like you to meet our new classmate, Kara Everrose. Kara would you like to tell us a little about yourself?" Its obvious that, that wasn't even a fuckin questions, I never understood why teacher's do that.

I cleared my throat and raise my pitch like I've been practicing.

"Hey everyone my name's Kara. I just moved here from New York. I'm 16 years old. And I look forward to having a great semester with all you guys" I said taking a seat in the back next to Josh. This is the same class I had last time but it was the only one that was the same.

I looked at him and he gave me a thumbs up. I smiled at him and was about to speak until Mr. Keller started speaking.

"You guys can work with one other person to do the worksheet. You have until the end of class to finish"

Once he finished, everyone rushed to their friends to do everything, but their work.

I turned to Josh and he had a huge smile on his face.

"You look unrecognizable!" He whispered for only me to hear.

"You think so?" I kinda see why, I mean my extensions finally came in. I died my hair light brown. I got hazel contacts that look completely natural. And of course we all know makeup does wonders.

"Yeah! You look great!" He said looking down at his paper.

"So I'm guessing that the news hasn't gone around yet?" I asked referring to my "death"

"Well everyone thinks you're missing, Elena didn't come today. She was a little down about the whole thing"

"I feel really bad for doing thi-"

"Don't feel bad, I'm sure if she were to know she'd also want to do what she could to keep you safe. And this will all be over before you know it!" He said trying to cheer me up.

"I really appreciate what you're doing for me Josh" I said, smiling softly at him. Before he could answer, the bell rang.

"Bye Josh, I'll see you later!" I said hugging him.

"Bye ry- I mean Kara" he laughed then walked away.

Since I'm "new" I have a whole different schedule than I used to.

By the way. If you're wondering how I enrolled, that was all Josh. Remember me saying that he was really smart at technology? Well yeah, he hacked into the system and put fake information, like address and past history, stuff like that, and enrolled me in. Pretty cool right?

I was interrupted by running into a solid figure in front of me.

"I'm so sorry!" I said looking up to meet Cash's eyes.

"No I'm sorry, I wasn't watching where I was headed." He said smiling at me.

"Are you new here?" He asked still smiling at me.

"Yeah, I just moved here from New York" I said

"Oh, that's cool. My name's Cash by the way" he said sticking his hand out for me to shake.

"My name's Kara, nice to meet you" I said shaking his hand.

"Are you having trouble finding your classes?" He asked putting his pants in His pockets. Since new people always have trouble finding their classes I decide to be that typical lost bitch.

"Uhm yeah. I've been trying to find room 268 for like the past twenty minutes"

"I know where that is. Follow me" he said walking by my side, staying quiet for a minute then spoke.

"So what brings you here?" He asked

"Well, my dad had to transfer jobs, and this was the closest for us"

"That's cool, although I don't know why you'd chose this school since its complete trash.I moved here a couple weeks ago myself and I have never seen a more shittier school" he laughed at the last part.

"Well here we are" he said referring to the class I had trouble finding.

"Thank you for helping me" I said smiling my best smile.

"My pleasure, hey uhm would you maybe like to hang out or something? Like friends, I mean you just moved here so I don't think you have much people to talk to." He said sounding a little nervous.

"Yeah, do you want my number?"
I asked

"Yeah what is it?" He said taking out his phone. I gave him it and walked into the class. I couldn't help the smile that grew on my face.

"Ladies and germs! We have a new student joining us today. Let's give Miss Kara a welcoming hand of applause" the teacher said. I blushed in embarrassment.

"Tell us about yourself" he said smiling at me. I basically said the same thing that I did before.I never knew why teachers like embarrassing us.... Assholes

"Very well, you can take a seat with Austin. Raise your hand so she knows who you are" this guy in the back raise his hand. He looked mean, like a jerk. He had on a snapback, with shades and a tank top that hung a lot lower than his armpits.

I sat and tried to mind my business. Not five minutes later did I hear my nae be called. Then after I ignored it for a while, whoever was calling me started throwing pieces of paper. What the hell do they want?!

"What?" I said a little too loud. I saw that it was Austin.

"What's up?" He said looking at me through his shades.

"Just trying to take my notes" I said smiling.

"Cool.... You single?" He dared to ask! This is why boys are generalized as horny perverted assholes!

"No, I'm not I have a boyfriend" I said turning around. Fucking fuckboy...

"Well, do you wanna still hang out?" Did he seriously just ask that??? I swear...

"Sounds tempting but I'm gonna have to pass" I smiled then rolled my eyes.

For the rest of the class he eyed me and it made me feel extremely uncomfortable. But thankfully the bell rang and I ran out of the room.

I walked through the halls, heading for my next class. Then I bumped into Josh.

"Hey josh, what's up?" I said

"Hey, I'm kinda on the run, I'll talk to you later, bye!" He said speed walking away. Shortly after he did I heard girl voices cone from behind.

"Wait josh! I didn't get your number!"
"He was after me, bitch!"
"No, he was after me!" Three girls yelled out as they chased after him

Boy.... Do I feel bad for him.

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