Secret Between us

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"Please... Don't leave me..." I heard a voice cry.

I opened my eyes but I only saw blur. I blog nked several times then finally made out who it was.

"Josh?" I said with a very faint voice.

"RYLON!" He yelled as he saw that I spoke. He rushed down to my side and put my head on his lap.

"I'm gonna take you to the hospital!!!" He said pulling out his phone

"No..." I said taking the phone from him.

"What? Why??? Rylon I have to get you to the hospital!" He said taking the phone back.

"If you take me there they'll know I'm still alive" I said trying to stop him.

"They? Who is they?"

"John... I think he sent people to murder me..."

"That's insane!!! But Ry you need medical help! You're bleeding!" I looked down at my side and saw that I had a broken glass stuck in.

"Shit!!!" I screamed as I felt pain come from it.

"I have an idea... I'm gonna call one of my friend's dad... Hes a retired doctor. Come on get up!"

"I can't, it really hurts..." I cried out as I felt repeated strikes of pain shot through my body.

"Here let me carry you..." He said as he scooped me up and walked to his car.

"Thank you" I said sincerely

"You're welcome" he said as he smiled weakly at me.


"One, two, three!"

"AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAGH!!! FUCK!!!" I screamed as the doctor pulled out the broken glass from my side.

"There... There... You're just gonna need a few stitches and you'll be ok" he said cleaning the area with alcohol.

"fuck! Shit!!! AAAAAAAAAAAAAAGH!!!" I screamed my guts out as I felt the stitch go in.

After a few minutes if stitching he finished. Thank god!

"Thank you sir" josh said signing a check for him

"Ay no problem" he said walking out. We decided to stay at a hotel pretty far from home.

"Are you feeling ok?" He said walking up to me.

"Yeah... Yeah I'm better" I said getting up from the bed.

"So uhm Ry... What do you plan on doing now?" He asked scratching the back of his head.

"I plan on keeping this a secret" I said putting my hair up in a ponytail.

"What do you mean?"

"As far as anyone knows I died today..." I said scared a little at the way I was speaking.

"Rylon... I can't do that... You can get years in prison for faking your death!"

"No one will find out if you don't tell" I said a little too harshly.


"I have everything planned out ok?"

"And what exactly are your plans?"

"To... Uhm I'll live as someone made up... And I'll just live a normal life!"

"Bullshit!.... You know Rylon... If you plan on doing something as serious as this you have to do it the right way"

"Really? If you know so much about doing illegal stuff then what do you think I should do?"
I said in a sassy tone.

"Well, for starters. You'd need a make over... Again. Then you'll need to change your gender identity so you get the minimal suspection... Then you'll need a back up." He said getting closer.

"Then you'll need to change your name... Then..." He was acting a little too weird, and was less than a foot from me now.

"Why wouldn't I just stick to the same gender?"

"Well you already look like a girl so that wouldn't be hard to achieve"

"Excuse me???"

"You heard me..." He said getting even closer

"Shut up! " I said

"I could practically already see you with a pair of tits!" He laughed out.

"Josh! What the hell!?!? I'm being serious about this!" I crossed my arms in anger.

"Rylon... I hope you know this is a really serious thing you're thinking of doing"

"Well what else do you think I should do??? If I let john know I'm still alive he's gonna try and try to kill me until he finally does!" I said on the verge of tears

"I know... I just don't want to see you behind bars. Can't we just tell the police about this?" He said sadly looking at his hands.

"I appreciate that you care about me Josh, but this is the only way for me to stay alive! Josh he was the one that stole from the bank! He stole millions! And if he sent that guy to kill me I don't doubt that he has more, and there's nothing that police can do to stop him! Those men are dangerous! The police is nothing, and I know what John is capable of!"

"Then count me in" he said looking up at me.

"Thank you josh!" I said hugging him, then I felt the reassuring feeling of his big arms wrap around me.

"I love you Josh"

"I love you Rylon"

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