True Friend

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"Do you know what time it is??? Where were you?" He josh said right as I opened the door.

"Relax mom. I was just partying" I said sighing before falling on the bed.

"What's wrong with you Rylon... You don't seem like the same person..." He said eyeing me.

"Leave me alone... I'm not in the mood for talking, I just wanna go to bed." I said taking off the trench coat.... Then remembered what I had on...

"Jesus Christ!!! Rylon??? What's this about???" He said pacing back and forth.

"Please tell me you didn't..." He said running his hand through his hair.

"Relax, I was just teasing... Nothing more" I said taking off the rest of the coat.

"Change your clothes" he said looking down at me while crossing arms.

"Why. You don't like what I have on?" I asked grinning at him.

"Rylon!" He said pulling me up before pushing me into the bathroom to change.

"Why are you do angry Josh?" I asked taking off my clothes and putting on what he gave me.

"I love you Rylon.... But you're being a slut" he said giving me pajama shorts.

"Whatever... I'm gonna go out later today, I have a few errands to run" I said unclipping my extensions and hanging them.

"Whoa, whoa, whoa.... What's this about? Where are you going?" He asked taking the lingerie and putting it away.

"Look... I really appreciate that you care about me but I can take care of myself. No need to worry.
... Really" I said falling on the bed.

"Well, I told mom that I'm gonna sleep over at a friend's house, but I don't want to bother you-"

"Shut up and get in the bed" I said pulling the covers over myself. He took off his shoes and shirt and got in. And layed so we were looking at each other.



"You're changing a lot... I don't know why but I want you to know that I'm gonna figure out why, goodnight" he said turning over.



"Wakeup! Were running late!!!" I felt a pillow smash against my face.

"Wha what?" I said sitting up rubbing my eyes.

"We only have twenty minutes till school! Get up!" He said putting on a shirt.

"Shit!" I said getting up. I ran to my clothes and put on a pink crop top, and put on some high waist short shorts. I clipped in my extensions a and put my hair in a high ponytail. Popped in my contacts, put on my "boobs" and a bra. I grabbed my makeup bag and proceeded to do my makeup.

"Rylon! We have ten minutes!" He said putting on his shoes. I decided to just do my eyeliner and mascara and put on a nude lipstick.

"I'm done!" I said getting my bag. I walked to the door and opened it.... And my face flushed as I saw who was there.

"This is the bitch you leave to see every day?" Elena said crossing her arms.

"What? Elena what are u doing here?" He asked buttoning his shirt.

"I saw your car in the parking lot on the way to school, now answer me!" She said flipping her hair at me.

"What's it to you Elena?" He asked locking the door from outside.

"Let's see, you haven't gone to any of our search parties for Rylon, it's like you don't even care! He was your friend as well Josh!" She yelled as she pointed at him.

"All you ever do is leave mom and I just so you can be with this bitch!" She said turning to me.
She hasn't lost her sass I see.

"And you, why are you all up on my brother? Hm? You think you're good enough for him? Hm?" She said shoving me a little.

"Elena! Can we talk about this some other time? Were in a rush!" He said pushing her hands off me.

"I have my eyes on you biatch!" She said walking back to her car. It kinda hurt that my best friend was talking to me like that but I then she really cared that much about me going missing

"Come on we're gonna be late" he said walking to his car.

"Okay, I'm going!" I said walking over to the passenger side.


"Have a good day, and don't be a slut" he said walking away.

"Bye, you too!" I said walking to my second hour.

"Hey! Kara!" I heard a sadly familiar voice come from behind, it was Cash

Remember, just ignore him. Its not hard really. Just keep your damn mouth shut and don't acknowledge his presence.

I continued walking but I felt a strong grip on my wrist. Really? Really? This is gonna be harder than I thought.

"What!" I said rudely as u rolled my eyes at him.

"What's wrong? Why are you ignoring me?" He said with a puppy dog look in his eyes.... Focus Rylon, you can do this.

"I'm really grateful that you helped me out from those guys yesterday, but that doesn't mean I owe you anything! And you tried to kiss me! And you don't even know me! Do I look like a fucking hooker?...... Just leave me alone....." I said barely able to say the last part, my heart started hurting really bad. Before he could see my pained face I turned and entered the class.

I know its trashy for me to like him this soon, I don't even know him but I have a different feeling when I'm near him. It's nothing like I've ever felt before.... And now I'm stuck with this guilty, hurting feeling.

"That was all bullshit, and you know it!" He said storming into the class, causing several students to turn.

"What dont you fucking understand!?!? Leave me alone!" I said getting my bag and pushing my way past him.

Don't cry, don't cry. Jeezus Rylon! C'mon keep it together! That fucker likes Kara, not the real you.... Don't fucking cry!

I walked into the girl's restroom. And bursted out crying. Why me? Why now? I can't focus on stuff like this! But, I just can't help feeling this way, if this is what love does to people, then I want nothing to do with it....

I heard one of the toilets flush. I wiped my tears away, then realized that I smudged my eyeliner, damn it!

"Are you ok?" I turned around to look at the voice's owner which was Elena.

"Oh, its you...." She said crossing her arms. I almost bursted out laughing from her reaction.

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