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As I was about to walk up the stairs I heard the front door slam open.

I fell to the floor to hide from whatever it could have been.

As I peeked through the side of the wall I saw that it was John and Eric. They scanned the living room then proceeded to scan for something.

I got up slowly and turned to go up to a room and hide but as I turned I bumped into a vase and it fell over and made a loud noise!

They saw me! I ran as fast as I could to my room. I pulled out my phone to call for help but there wasn't signal. They must have put a WiFi blocker!

I put a chair against the door and though of a way to get out. I couldn't get out from the window since I was in the top floor!

Think! Think!

I heard the door being slammed and a knife made it through the door.

Fuck fuck fuck! What do I do???

"We're gonna get you Rylon! We're gonna make you go through what your mother went through hahaha!!!"

I made a noise with the window so they could think I left through there but I ran to my bed and hid under it

Just as I was able to, the chair flew across the room and the door flew open!

"Fuck! He went through the window!" Eric shouted as he punched the wall.

"No..... That's too high of a jump..." John said looking out.

Fuck! Oh my gosh!

I tried my hardest to not make any noise. I saw them walking around the room.

"I know you're in here little boy... If you come out I'll kill you fast so you won't feel a thing..." I saw a pair of legs walk towards the bed then stopped directly in front of it.

"Are you in the closet?" I heard Eric say as he slammed the closet door open.

"Or are you under the bed..." John said with a disgusting laugh. Unexpectedly he threw the bed causing it to make a loud bang.

"Well... Well...Well... Don't you look like a fag." He said bending over and pulling me up by my hair. Then grabbed me by my neck and smashed me against the wall causing my head to bang harshly. I black out for a second then my vision returned.

"What do you want from me???" I choked out.

"I want you dead!!!" He yelled in anger with veins popping out of his forehead

"Leave me alone!" I screamed as I kneed him in the balls.

I ran out of the room and heard Eric chase me. I was about to make it to the front door but I felt myself behind pulled back. I saw the open door get further and further away from me.

Eric had caught up to me and grabbed me by my hair.

"Where do you think you're going fucker!" He pinned me against the wall.

"You miss our midnight fucking?" He said grinding against me.

"Fuck you!!!" I spat at his face. He smiled at me then I realized why... He had a knife in his hand.

" you made the wrong choice..." He was about to stab me in the stomach but I had this strength that came out of nowhere.
I got his hand with the knife and turned it to him then stabbed him in the stomach.

Then it went silent... His eyes were wide open. Then he coughed out blood causing it to splat on my chest and face.

"You made the wrong choice Bitch!" I said with venom in my voice. I then stared him in his eyes and proceeded to twist the knife even further causing his face to twitch.

I then pushed him off and he fell to the floor.

Then I felt this rush run through me. I saw him try to call for help so instead I pulled the knife out causing a gush of blood to burst out. I grabbed the knife and stabbed him over and over. Once I got tired I stabbed the knife one last time into his forehead...

"Revenge is a bitch" I said getting up then spitting on his dead body.

Just then John walked in and eyed me with wide eyes.

"You're next bitch!" I said walking up to him.

"Hahahaha!!! You think just cuz you killed him you can kill me? Hahaha... Eric and I are two different people... I am more powerful, and now I'm a millionaire and I'm gonna watch you get crushed if its the last thing I do..." He said

"You're not getting away with the murder of my mother... Revenge is coming for you sooner or later..." I said in a voice that even scared me.

"See you in the future... I can't wait for our next acquaintance..." He said before jumping out the kitchen window....

I then heard several police sirens approach the house. I ignored and walked up to the bathroom to wash up.

I looked at myself in the mirror and saw blood all over me.

I took off all my clothes and walked into the shower.

I felt the nice warm water flow through my aching body. As I looked down I saw all the blood wash off and go down the drain.

I don't know why I have that strange feeling of satisfaction and thrill...

"Open the door!" I heard a stupid cop yell through the other side of the door But I just ignored... Instead I finished my shower.

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