Don't Want To Talk About It

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I layed on the bed. And felt the covers under my body as I ran my hands on them.

"I'm here!" I heard Josh as he opened the door.

"Hey Josh!" I said sitting up.

"So I was thinking..... We can't live in a hotel forever... I was looking at apartments and found one that's perfect! Its a very peaceful complex! And the apartment is two stories and..." He kept going but I couldn't focus... Keep yourself together. Cash is just another boy, and besides you have a main focus right now Ry.

"You're not listening are you?" He said noticing my blank stare.

"I'm sorry... Its just that I had a long day..."

"Wanna talk about it?" He asked getting up taking his shirt off.

"Oh my gosh... Josh you really don't have to do that in front of me!" I said covering my eyes.

"Don't act like you don't like it!" He grinned as he flexed his pecs.

"Ugh!" I groaned as I threw a pillow at him.

"Ok ok!" He put his hands up in surrender before putting on a tank top.

"So anyways, what were you saying about the apartment?" I asked getting up to go to the bathroom.

"well I was thinking that with the money mom was gonna buy you the separate house, we could get the apartment! If I convince her of giving me the money we might even be able to get it by next week!" He said following me to the bathroom.

"Turn around" I said as I began stripping for my shower.

"So what do you think?" He said still looking away.

"Well...." I said getting in the shower and shutting the curtain.

"I think its a great idea! But be careful with the way you ask her, she might get a little suspicious" I said turning on the water and adjusting it.

"Yeah, I know... Aren't you exited to have our own big place!" I could hear him from the other side of the curtain

"Yeah! Its gonna be great!" I said as I began washing my hair.

"So uhm.... What happened with you and that guy Cash?" He asked.

"Uhm, well nothing really... We're just friends.... Well not really, not anymore"

"Why, what happened?" "I don't want to talk about it." I said, my voice becoming smaller. I opened the side of the curtain and was gonna ask him for a towel but he was already extending one out for me.

"Don't look!" I said getting out and before I could get it. He wrapped it around me, but his eyes were closed.

"Thank you!" I said walking to the room again since I forgot my clothes.

"No problem, So wasn't there a place you were going to today?" He said pulling out a bag of chips out of nowhere.

"Damn it! I forgot all about that!" I said almost dropping the towel

"Is it that important?" He asked munching grossly

"Yes! I mean no! Not at all. I just wanted to go out tonight and have fun..." I said smiling innocently.

"Lies.... Now tell me. I've kept this extremely illegal lie. I can handle anything else, just trust me please" he said grabbing my hand in his as he was sitting g and I standing.

"Josh.... I'm, planning on getting my revenge on John..." I said so he could barely hear.

"What do you mean revenge?...."

"I can't tell you! You'll think I'm a sociopath!"

"You want to kill him don't you?" He said with a straight face.

"I'm not a mental serial killer josh" I said looking down at my hands "I just want that son of a bitch to pay for what he did to my mother..."

"You're not crazy Rylon. I would feel the same way if I was you. But violence is never the answer... And that's a crime... I would never let you do something that will get you behind bars..... Well except for faking your death..." He said standing up

"I love you Rylon but I'm not letting you commit anything you'll regret..." He said tucking my wet hair behind my ear before kissing my forehead.

"Well.... What if I don't kill him... What if I lead a police to him and they get him!" I said jumping up and down.

"You watch too many movies Ry" he said laying back on the bed.

"So... What do we do now?" I asked sitting next to him.

"Well we watch movies and order room service" he said digging back into his chips.

"No, I meant what do we do from here... What's our next move... I can't stay as Kara forever Josh..."

"I think you can, you look pretty fine as Kara" he said winking.

"Josh! I'm being serious!" I said throwing a pillow at him.

"Can we just think about now, the present? Forget about what happens later? I mean why live to worry about what will happen, rather than living your best in the present" he said sighing.

"I guess you're right, but we're talking about this later" I said lying down next to him.

"I love you Josh!"

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