For Your Good

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"Kara? Come on get out" he said pulling me out of the car.

"Thank you so much! " I said getting on my tip toes and hugged him.... My heart felt weird, it felt light and fluttery.

I pulled away and realized that I was hugging him for like a minute.

"Sorry..." I said tucking my hair behind my ear

"Are you ok?" What did they do to you?" He said looking at my body in search of injuries.

"They didn't do anything, I'm ok" I said looking up to see a worried look on his face.

"You know.... This wouldn't have happened if you hung out with me today..." He said running his hand through his hair.

"Come on, let's get out of here before they wake up" he said grabbing my hand, then I winced as he grabbed me from the arm that was pulled.

"What? Are you ok?" He asked with wide eyes.

"Yeah, just a little bruise." I said hiding the pain.

"Are you sure?" He said then lifted up my sleeve before gasping at the bruised hand prints.

"Does it hurt when I do this?" He said slightly twisting it.

"Ouch!!!" I winced as I felt an intense pain shoot through it.

"Come on, let's go to the pharmacy, all you need is a compression cast then you'll be good to go" he said as we walked to what I think is his car.

He walked to the passenger side and opened the door for me.

"Thank you" I smiled as I got in.
He walked around and got in.

"How are you feeling?" He said looking over at me.

"I'm feeling good, thanks" I don't know how to keep a conversation going so I just sat there awkwardly.

"So why were you all alone at the park?" He said turning the corner.

"I was uhm just bored." I said obviously lying.

"Really.....?" He said looking over at me.

"Yes, are we there yet?" I said getting more and more nervous by his presence

"In a minute, why so tense?" He said smiling at me.

"I'm not, I'm just.... Uhm bored"

"Well I'm sorry for being so boring..." He said pretending like he was crying.

"No, I was joking!"
I said hitting his shoulder playfully.

"We're here" he said laughing. He got out and went to my side to opened the door. Why is he being so nice?

"Thank you" I said getting out.

I was walking but my heel got stuck on a crack. I almost fell over but I felt two strong arms catch me.

I looked up to see Cash's face less than an inch from mine. I could feel his cool minty breath run on my face.

It felt like we were like this for an hour but in reality it was for a second.

"T-thank you" I said looking away.

"Yeah, no problem"
He said with a pale face.

As we walked in I was hit with the cold AC.

"Let's get the wrap quickly, it's cold in here!" He said running childishly.

I walked right behind him.

"Look!" He said putting on a teddy bear beanie and acted silly.

"Wow.... How old are you?" I said rolling my eyes jokingly.

"Come on, have fun!" He said laughing.

"At Walgreen's?" I said walking over to the bandage area.

"Yeah, I mean its not like we can still hang out, its late" he said getting more serious.

"Can we?" He said looking down at me... Why is he looking at me like that!!! I can't risk him finding out... But I can't say no to him! Look at his face! Stop staring at me like that!

"Ok, but I have to be home before twelve" I said crossing my arms in defeat.

"Yesssssss! Hurry get the bandage and let's go!" He said walking to the register.

He paid for it and we walked to the car.

"So where are we going?" I asked putting on my seatbelt.

"There's a lake nearby and I really want to show you!" He said started the car then looking back, to reverse.
Did he say lake??? I can't swim! My 'boobs' are gonna fall of! And I don't think extensions are safe to wear around water! And my colored contacts!

"Uhm how about not swimming.... I don't know how to swim and its cold out" I said hoping he'd change his mind.

"We're not swimming, are you crazy? I just think its really pretty and I want to show it to you" he said laughing. Thank god!!!

"But before we do I think we should go for frozen yogurt!" He said.

"That sounds great!" I said looking out the window. I noticed that it was dark out.

"What time is it?" I asked looking over at him.

"Its nine, you know what that means???"


"We get to hang out for three hours!!!" He said with a gigantic smile on his face. Why is he acting like this?

"Yay!" I said trying to sound as happy as him.

"So since we do, we're gonna have extra time do what would you like to do?"

"I don't know... I heard there's a really good movie I forgot what its called, but we could go watch it"

"That sounds cool" he said putting his hand on his armrest, I realized that my hand was there.

"Sorry..." I said pulling it away.


"This is it... Isn't it awesome?" He said walking down the hill to the lake.

"Yeah, its awesome! There's so much flowers!" I said looking at all the white roses and daisies.
I got one and smelled it.

"It smells so pretty!"

"Right? This is where I come to get away from all my troubles." He said sitting on the cold sand.

"Sit" he said patting the area next to him. I slowly sat down. This is such a pretty place! I looked at the lake that reflected the moonlight on it.

"You ok?" He said looking at me.

"Yeah... I'm just mesmerized..." I said not able to take my eyes off it.

I heard a shuffling of the bushes. I jumped but realized it was a little bunny.

"Hi there little fella!" I squeeked as I slowly reached out and pet it. It was so fluffy and cute!

"You're so cute!!! Aren't you, little guy!" I said grabbing it and putting it on my lap. I felt its little heartbeat against my lap.

"Look at how cute it is!!!" I said screaming at its cuteness.

"It's cute... But not as cute as you...." I put the bunny down and it went off.

"You're funny!" U said trying to change the subject.

"Look at the clouds" I said trying to again.

"I being serious" he said getting closer.... And closer...

I felt his cool breath on my face, then I felt the softness of his lips barely touch mine. NO!!! No! I can't do this to him! He thinks I'm a girl! I'm being perverted and selfish! Stop Rylon!

"I'm s-sorry... I can't. Can you take me home please?" I said getting up but felt my heart hurt when I rejected him. Its for his own good, and mine

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