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I closed the door to my room quietly.

I went to check on josh, great he's still asleep! I decided to go after all. And that's exactly what I'm trying to do right now. I had on a red trench coat so no one knew who I was.

I called a taxi before hand and it was already waiting outside.

"Talk me to lesallos park" I said taking off my shades.

Once I got there I became worried and scared. "Don't worry Ry, if anyone tries hurting you just knee them in the balls and run, yes that what I'll do...." I said to myself.

"That trick doesn't work on all people you know..." I heard a deep voice and turned as fast as I could. There stood three men in black trench coats.

"Please don't hurt me!" I said covering myself.

"If I wanted wanted to I would've already... Now let's get down to business..."

I uncovered myself and looked up at the guy and noticed that the middle one was one sexy motherfucker.

"Uhm yeah... But here?" I asked sitting awkwardly on the bench.

"No, let's go to a cafe not too far from here." He put his hand out for me to grab. I got up and we began walking to his black mustang.

"So, you know I'm a guy right?" I asked sitting in the passenger seat.

"Yeah, I know. I know everything." He said in a plain voice.

"So how did you find out?"

"Well my hide out was right next to the place where you got in the accident.... You killed that son of a bitch Eric right?"


"We're gonna get along just fine....." He said grinning at me. I don't know why, but this guy reminds me of a sexy demon.

"Table for two" he said completely forgetting about the two guys he was with.

"What about-"

"They're my watchmen" he said walking to the table. I noticed that the guys were outside the entrance on the look out.

"So you're like a big mafia guy?" I asked laughing then it quickly left as I looked at the seriousness of his face.

"So we both want revenge from John... And he knows who we are... And you, he thinks you're dead and wouldn't suspect anything from a.... Girl"

"What do I have to do?"

"You're gonna be our spy. You're gonna earn his trust and lead him to us and that's how we'll get him... We just haven't found out where he's hidden..."

"I know where he is" I said confidentiality

"How? Where?"

"The other day I went to the bar and bumped into one of his puppets and took the information I needed out of him"

"Where is it?"

"A condo not too far from here called scenario"

"I know where that is... When can you start?" He asked with a smug grin on his face.

"As soon as you want me to" I said flipping my hair back.

"We'll start tomorrow" he said with a devilish grin. I like this guy.


"BEEP BEEP BEEP BEEP!!!" The alarm clock rang. I tried turning it off but ended up on the floor.

"Stupid thing" I said finally managing to stop it.

"Good morning Ry... I set your alarm extra early because you're always running late" he said looking down at me.

"Thanks" I said moving my hair out of my face.

"You're welcome, you have an hour to get ready, I'll be downstairs making breakfast." He said before leaving

I got my brush and brushed the shit outta my hair. How is it even possible for your hair to get this knotted!?!? And I didn't even have my extensions on!

I clipped the extensions in and decided to put my hair in a tight high ponytail. I walked to my closet and got a black tight long sleeve and a pair of white leggings.

I put on some black Christian louboutins and grabbed my bag.

I went to brush my teeth. Hmmm what lipstick should I wear....
Oh! I decided on a dark plum color. I contoured my face I put on the rest of my makeup.

"I'm ready!" I said walking down.

"Ry, you do know you're only going to school tight?" He asked as he ate his eggs.

"I know" I said taking a seat.

"Then why do you look like you're trying out for Americas next top model?"

"Oh please, I'm not wearing much" I said taking my fork and digging in.

"We have ten minutes so hurry up" he said sounding a little angry.

"You mad?"

"I just don't want you dressing like that, its not safe guys nowadays are perverts and I really care about you Ry" he said in a sad voice.

"Don't worry about me, that's why I'm starting to carry pepper spray." I said smiling.

"You seem a little too happy..."

"I'm just happy we finally moved in to our own place" I said.

"Yeah, I'm happy too" he said eyeing me observantly

"What! I really am" I said


"There's been a change of plans..." The mafia guy said as we walked through the toxic club

"What do you mean?"

"He's being protected by his men"
He said clenching his jaw

"So? I thought you were powerful" I said crossing my arms.

"Its not me that's going up to him, its you. Did you forget so soon?" He said taking a seat then two slut looking girls taking the seats by him and grabbing up all on him.... Gross

"So!" I said putting my hands on my hips.

"You're gonna need some training... Just in case" he said taking a sip of his drink.

"I don't need training, I just need what I want" I said angry

"Well too fucking bad Right.... You think you're ready? Ben come here" he said signaling one of his watchmen yo come over.

"This Lil bitch thinks she's ready to take John down... Prove her otherwise" he said. Then ben came over to me and punched me right in the stomach!

"OOOOOOOFFH" I said as he knocked the wind out of me.

I felt my hair be pulled back.

"If you were ready you would have seen that coming..." Ben said then he wrapped his hand around my hand...

"Ok! Ok! I'm not ready!" I said right before he was gonna choke me.

"Let her go" he said waving his hand dismissingly to ben.

"So, you ready to stop bring a bitch and do what I say?" He said taking another sip of the alcohol beverage.

"Whatever" I said

"The one rule I have for you is to obey what I say and we'll get along" he said telling the girls to go away.

"Now... Since you want to work with me you'll have to do an initiation..." He said grinning evily at me.

"What is it" I said trying not to sound intimidated

"You're gonna let me fuck you..." He said turning on a cig

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