I Love You

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Today... Today was the day I saw John dead... The day I've been waiting for, for years.

"Now listen Rylon... There an air vent that leads to his secured office... In order to get in You have to go through the back. And right as you enter it. There will be a vent on the cieling... As you enter it my boys will cover you. Go it?"

"Got it..." I said. I got more and more nervous by the second.

"Everything will go accordingly if you stick to the plan" he said as he wired me up.

My breathing became more and more troubled.

"You ready?" He said as he started turning on my earplug.

"I'm ready..." I said. Calm down Rylon...everything is gonna be alright... Just stick to the plan.

"Ben... I want you to go with him you're gonna be his backup.

"K boss." He grabbed a machine gun and jumped out of the van...

"Come on Rylon! We can't waste anymore time!" I grabbed a gun in each hand.

I jumped out and ran behind him.

"Ok were gonna have to jump the fence... Here get on my knees and jump so you can grab onto the top!" I stepped on his knee and jumped but it was too high...

"Here!" Ben grabbed my foot and threw me.

I got a hold if it and sat up.

"Hold the guns" he threw them up and I caught them.

We finally got over it and walked to the back.

"Ok... You have exactly two minutes to get into that vent you hear me. Any more time you take and we'll get caught... Now go! I'll distract the other guys!"

I ran to the back. I looked inside the window and saw no one there so I unlocked the door.

Just as I expected. The vent was right above when I entered but it was too high.

I saw there was a pipe that led to the ceiling so I began to climb it.

Right as I got to the top two guys walked by. I tried my hardest to not make any noise. The walked right below me and didn't notice.

They soon left and I proceeded. I reached out and undid the vent. I grabbed onto the edge. And dragged myself in.

I checked my watch and I had already wasted a minute and thirty seconds. Fuck!

I shut the vent from the inside and began to slowly crawl.

I turned on the earplug so I could hear Roman.

"I'm here now where do I go?"

"Take a right" I followed his directions and began crawling in that direction.

"Where do i-" I was interrupted by muffled yells and groans.

"Wait..." I said.

I walked to the direction where I heard it. It sounded very familiar...

"Rylon! What the fuck are you doing??? You're going the wrong way!" Roman yelled.

"Sh" I said.

"I'm gonna get you back for all of this John!!! You're gonna pay!!! I heard a door shut from below.

I looked throw the vent exit... And felt my face flush as u saw who was down there.

Cash was shirtless... He was tied to the wall. You can tell he had been beaten really bad. He had cuts all over his body.

"Get me out of here!!!" He yelled with venom in his voice.

I had to help him...

I undid the vent and fell to the floor.

"Cash! Its me! Its Rylon!" I said as I rushed to him.

"Rylon! You have to get out if here! They're gonna kill you! Leave! I'm gonna be ok. Just go!!!" He cried out.

"No! I'm saving you..." I was able to undo one hand but then the door opened.

"Well well well... If it isn't the stupid little boy... How've you been Rylon?" It was John He... He knew who I was?

"If you're asking yourself.. Yes I know it is you... I've known all along... And so has this guy right here..." He said pushing Cash over.

"What are you talking about? Cash what is he talking about???"

"Rylon... You think you know everything there is to spying... You're wrong..." John said walking over to me.

"Cash, right here. He was my spy... I told him his mission was t murder you... Isn't that right Cash?"

"Cash... What's he talking about.." I said getting more and more fearful.

"He's right! But I changed my mind! I changed Rylon! I... I fell in love with you!"

"Oh shut up! " John kicked him in the stomach.

"I did! Don't listen to him Rylon! He made me do it or else he'd kill me!"

"Shut up!" John said smashing his head against the wall.

"He had me in here for two weeks because I refused to kill you!!!" Cash cried.

"He never loved you!!!" John said as he held a knife in his hand.

"How the fuck do you expect me to believe you!!! You.... You're the one that tried to kill me all this time...." I yelled with tears in my eyes.

"You're going to pay John... The tables have turned... You're going to die!!!" I screamed as I held my gun tight.

"Let's see who dies first!" He screamed before shoving the knife into Cash's stomach...

"NOOOOOOOOO!!!" I cried before shooting John over and over in his chest!

"Cash! Cash!" I cried as I ran to him.

"Ugh!!!" He groaned in pain.

"Rylon! You have to get out of there!!! The mansion has been set on fire!!! Get out now!" Roman spoke through the earplug

"I'm gonna get you out... I'm getting you out!" I said as tears fell down my face.

"No... Get out of here Rylon... Get out... Its too late for me Ry." He said in a weak voice.

"No! I'm not leaving you!" I said as I undid the other arm. I smelled the smell of fire. I looked up and saw that the ceiling was on fire.

"Come on god.... Help me!" I cried frustratingly.

"Leave Ry..." He said again.

"No! Don't tell me to do that! I'm not leaving you!" I cried. My tears falling on him.

I was finally able to undo his legs

"Come on... Let's get out of here" I said to him.

But I didn't hear a response.

"Cash! Get up for me please! We're almost out of here!" I cried.

Still no answer...

I tried shaking him... But he didn't move...

"Cash! Please get up!!! Get up for me!!! Please!"

There wasn't an answer... Not even a breath

"Cash...... P-please don't do this to me! P-please don't leave me! Don't leave!"

His face looked relaxed... It looked like he was asleep. Like he wasn't in pain... He.... He was dead...

"I... I love you..." I said as I layed next to him...

"I love you Cash... I'll see you soon" I said as I felt my eyes begin to release tears again.

I looked at his face one last time. I leaned to him and kissed him on his lips one last time...

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