Strong Feelings For You

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I walked to my first hour casually. Is violence the only way to relief my stress?

"Hey!" I heard Cash's voice call for me.

"What do you what?" I said turning to him.

"I want to talk to you"

"Is it really gonna be worth my time?"

"Please...." He said with puppy fog eyes... Son of a bitch!!!

"Make it quick" I said crossing my arms.

"I want you to know that I have feelings for you... And they're strong"

"Hmmm, I don't know if you already knew this but I have a boyfriend and I'm very happy with him.... I don't give two shits about your feelings" I said turning to walk away but was caught by his hand.

"I know you have feelings for me Kara... I'm not gonna stop till you realize them" he said before walking the opposite direction. Fuck! Leave my fucking body, stupid feeling!


I decided not to go to class, there was way too many things on my mind.

"Hey!...... Hey you bitch!!!"
I heard a girl voice call for me. What now!

"What!" I said turning around.

"I don't think I made myself clear last time we talked" Elena said crossing her arms.... Will she ever lose that attitude???

"Listen... I'm not started crap with you.... But your brother can do what he wants with his life and he doesn't need to ask for your permission to be happy" I said.

"You're not compatible with my brother! You're a whore, and he's innocent!"

"I wouldn't say he's innocent honey...." I said winking at her before walking away leaving her with a pissed off, shocked look on her face.

I made my way to the outside patio and sat at an empty table. I pulled out my phone to text Josh but saw that someone sat in the seat in front of mine

"Hey beautiful.... My friends and I were wondering if you'd like to sit with us, you seem lonely" I looked up to see a blond haired boy. I looked over at the table and saw it was full of fuckboys...

"Thank you but no thank you" I said returning to my phone

"Come on.... Don't be that way..." Oh my fucking gosh.... Why do fuckboys exist?

"Why would I? Its not like there's any other girl there.... And besides I have a boyfriend" I said getting impatient.

"Who said I wanted a thing with you?"

"So you and your table of fuckboys just want to befriend a lonely girl? I think not. Bye" I said

"Come on....." He said touching my arm.

"Ok, what the fuck is your problem? Do I look like a sex toy fucker? And seriously I can't believe you're trying to do some bullshit like this at school! Get a fucking life" I said getting up.

"The fuck you think you're talking to!?" He said getting up as well. Does this boy really think he's tough?

"I'm talking to you moron, who else would I be talking to?" I said turning to walk away but of course he grabbed my arm.
So I turned and decked him in the nose.

"Don't try acting tough on me boy" I then walked away leaving him there holding his nose.


"How much more training do I need Roman? I wanna get this over with!"

"Whoa whoa calm down... You don't need much alright, but today you're training with weapons.... Ben grab me a gun" ben complied immediately.

I feared it because I've never held one.

"Here, grab it" he said putting it in my hand. It was heavier than I thought it was

"You're gonna shoot the target by the third time if not ben here will punch you every time you miss, ready?"

"Are you fucking crazy??? This is literally my first time holding a gun!"

"And it'll be your first time shooting a target, now hurry"

"I don't get ear muffs?"

"Just do it!" He said leaning against the wall.

Come on Ry, you can do this! Just shoot the target.... Three..... Two.... One...


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