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I sat in a jail cell waiting for them to take me into court.

Finally a police came and opened the cell.

We walked into the courtroom and felt so many eyes on me.

I looked over at Cash's mom and it looked like she wanted to kill me.

I sat next to my lawyer. I heard so many people speak under their breath about me... But I didn't care.

"Promise to tell the truth and only the truth"

"I promise" I said and sat in the cubicle next to the judge's

"You were with Cash the night of his death right?" Cash's mom's attorney said walking close to me... Trying to intimidate me.

"Yes I was"

"You were the last person he saw right?"


"Did you stab Cash Smith with a knife?"

"No... It wasn't me... It was-"

"Mr. Blackwood!" The judge said and I shut up.

"Then who murdered him?"

"My stepfather, John... He wanted to Kill me... But ended up stabbing Cash... I then shot John..."

"John is dead?" The attorney asked.

"Yes... I shot him"

"He wasn't found there this morning... There's no evidence of him ever being there"

"I know he was there! And Cash knew it too!"

"Was there any witnesses?"

"No... It was just the three of us in that room."

"That's all I have to ask your honor" the attorney said walking back to his seat.

The court was in session for two hours when they finally made up their decision.

"Court if state finds Rylon Blackwood guilty of the three murders... Rylon Blackwood is sentence to death..." I felt a cold chill run up my back.

I'll be with Cash sooner...

They took me by force to the room. There in front of me was a chair in the middle of the room.

"Sit there... A doctor will be back in ten minutes..." The girl said then proceeded to tie my arms and legs...

I looked through the window... The window that everyone was gonna see me get killed...

My eyes landed on his mom... She looked at me with an evil grin.

But instead of looking away I grinned back. Her smile then disappeared and was replaced with fear.

The door opened and in came a doctor...

"Just lay back and we'll get done sooner..." He said with his voice shaky.

I had one thing on my mind... Cash.... And John...

Why would I let him have the last laugh? He didn't deserve it...

And I wasn't done yet not till I get what I want. I wasn't gonna die without getting revenge on the thing that took everything away from me... Not yet.

Right as the doctor was about to out the syringe in my arm. I ripped my other one out and took the syringe and shoved it in his neck.

"Have fun idiot" I walked out of the room and ran to the rooms where you talk to people in prism for few minutes.

I saw a security guard and hit her in the neck causing her to pass out.

I dragged her into an office and took off her clothes and put them on me.

I walked out of there without anyone knowing it was me.

I went to the parking lot where police keep their cars.

I broke the window of one and got in. I hot wired it and left as fast as I could.

Before I'd go to where I knew John was. I had to change I don't want him seeying me in this.

I parked outside of my apartments and ran to mine.

As I made it there I opened it and went inside.

"This is the start of a new life..." I said looking into the mirror.

I got some red lipstick and put some on.

I walked to my closet and took out some high black boots. I put on a lingerie and my extensions.

I took a pistol... It was all I needed.

I got my trench coat to cover me up.

I got back in the car and past all the red lights I could.

As I parked outside of my old home I felt anger rise... And best of all... Danger.

I threw the door down. There were about ten guys inside.
But it only took me about two minutes to get rid of them all.

I walked into the basement and saw him sitting there under the light.

"Hey John..." I said.

He turned to look at me and felt satisfaction as I saw the look on his face...

"I thought... How'd you..."

"Ready for karma mother fucker....." I said aiming my gun to his head.


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