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"Do you remember anything else?" The detective asked as he rapped his arms and looks observantly at me.

"That's all that I remember..." I lied about the part that I killed Eric and told him that John did it.

"Do you have any reasons why he would charge at you like that?"

"No..." I lied again...

"Are you done asking questions?" I asked pissed that they couldn't let me go already

"Yes, actually I am. You'll be out in twenty minutes" he smiled fakely and walked out.

As we drove home no one spoke. It was awkward and I got a bad vibe from Elena's mom.

"Honey... We really want you to be part of our family... But I fear for my family's safety..." She said looking at me through the rear view mirror.

"I understand..." I said not really caring. Well I guess I'll be having to find another home

"So, what do you plan on doing?" I asked her.

"I was thinking we could buy you a house and have you live there... You know so you could be hidden." She said.

"I like that idea"

"And I could enroll you in an online school"

"When is this all gonna happen?"

"By the end of this week..." She said not taking her eyes off the road.

"That sound great" I said emotionless.

When we got home I was gonna go up to my room but there were handymen fixing the door so instead I went out to get frozen yogurt.

"Where are you going?" Josh asked.

"I'm going out for frozen yogurt" I said grabbing the family car keys.

"Can I come?" He asked with sadness in his eyes.

"Uhm... I actually want to be alone if that ok" I said with a weak smile.

"I understand..." He said then walked back upstairs.

I got in the car and drove off. As I was driving I was in deep thought... What's happening to me? Why do I feel so strange? I don't feel any other emotions except for sadness and anger and being worthless... I could have gotten justice for my mother's death but I didn't...

So I guess I better take matters into my own hands.

I was pulled out of my thought by a loud bang. I looked through the rear view mirror and saw a black car coming up from behind at an extremely fast speed.

I switched lanes but it stayed right behind me. Then it went fast enough to where the front of it was banging repeatedly on the back of my car! I saw that there were a few cars ahead so I speeded.

I felt my hands begin to shake and my face get hot.

I sped up faster and faster. I looked at the gauge and saw I was going at 95 mph.

I looked back and didn't see the car behind me so I assumed I lost them. I turned to look straight again and from my peripheral vision I saw the black car by my side. I turned and saw that the car's window was open and there was a man inside that was pointing a gun at me.

"BAAAAAAAAANNNGGG!!!" After that my hearing went completely away. I felt everything in slow motion. I saw my hair flowing in front of my face. The cold morning wind run on my skin sending chills up my face... Then my mind went completely blank.


"I want you to be home by nine do you understand?" Mom said as she pointed at me.

"Yes mom! I understand! I'll be home by then, don't even worry about it!" I said

"I just don't want anything bad to happen to happen to you ok?" She said with her hands on my shoulders.

"Nothing will mom! Jeez calm down! I'm gonna be fine!" I laughed out.

"Ok... Have a great time honey! See you when you get back!"

"I will, take care"I said as I was about to walk out but then she spoke.

"And honey... I love you" she said pulling me in a tight hug.

*End of flashback*

I was snapped back to reality by my body being thrown forward, causing my head to smash against the windshield.

I realized the car had been rolling. I still couldn't hear a thing... I could only feel. Feel physical pain that hurt. It hurt a lot... But not as much as Emotional pain... I felt my heart break at the memory...

Slowly my hearing returned with a ringing noise then the loud sound of metal being scraped on the pavement and windows shattering... Then it all stopped.

The car was upside down so I pushed myself to undo the seat belt. My bruised body fell after I did.

With the few strength I had I pulled myself out.

I dragged my body away from the car. Until I couldn't anymore... My body was at its weakest. The last thing I heard before passing out was an explosion that came from the car...

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