Safe In Your Arms

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I sat on josh's bed as he sat next to me.

"I'm sorry that happened" I said quietly as I looked up at him.

"No! Why would you be sorry? You never did anything wrong! Come here" he said as he wrapped me in a warm hug. This is how a hug feels? Its so calming. I feel safe...

"Sir, you can't come into my house without authorization, its trespassing!" I heard josh's mom yell to someone... Then I heard his voice, his disgusting voice.

"I don't care! That is my son! And I'm taking him home!" I heard john stomp up the stairs and blew a few doors open until he came to ours.

"Get your ass up! I'm taking you home!" He said clenching his hands.

"You can't do this!" Josh said standing in front of me.

"Did I ask for your fucking permission!?!?" He pushed josh out of the way and pulled me by my arm.

"I'm calling the police and telling them everything you're doing to him! And I'm gonna watch you rot in there!" Josh said with a venomous voice.

"Well guess what, there's no proof that I do. And you know what? Right as we get home I'm gonna fuck him so good he won't live till tomorrow!" John taunted him with a disgusting grin.

"Don't you fucking dare touch him!!!" I saw josh had his hands clench hard and his face was beat red.

John pulled me out of the house and threw me onto the car.

When we got home he threw the door open and threw me on the floor.

"What the FUCK DID I SAY ABOUT TALKING TO OTHER PEOPLE BITCH!!!" He walked to me and I got more and more terrified each step he took.

"You know... You're just like your mom... That's why she ended up the way she did!" He grinned. Before I could filter what I was thinking I spoke.

"DONT YOU FUCKING TALK ABOUT MY MOTHER LIKE THAT!!!" I screamed as the feeling of fear disappeared and was replaced with anger.

"Hahahaha.... Little boy... Little did you know what really happend that night..."he said

"What are you talking about???"

"That night your mother got murdered... Hahaha it wasn't by the robbers... It was by me!" He laughed as he finished

I started breathing heavily in anger. I felt the most amount of anger I've felt in my life. My mother, my poor innocent, sweet mother was murdered by this fucking pig!?!?

"YOU!!!!" I ran to him. I balled my fist as hard as I could and smashed my fist into his face repeatedly. I began bleeding from my fist but that wasn't gonna stop me.


I knew his body was unconscious but I couldn't stop. I began to fear myself.

What am I doing... I'm being the same person he was when he murdered her!

And boy... Does it feel good.

"I hope you're fucking dead!" I got a lamp from nearby and smashed it onto his head.

"How does it feel to be hopeless bitch?" I got up and spit on his body. I wiped my tears and walked out of the house.


"You did what???" Elena yelled as we sat on her bed.

"I couldn't control myself..." I said as I cried.

"Shhh it's ok..." She hugged me as she rubbed my back.

"Its ok, mom and Josh are already with the police telling them everything..." She whispered.

"I can't believe that mother fucker killed my mom! My mommy!"

I woke up to the sound of cooking. I sat up and looked around and remembered where I was.

"Good morning sleepyhead! Breakfast is ready!" Elena threw a pillow at my face

"Ok, ok I'm going!" I got up and walked over and sat down.

As I did I saw josh sitting too.

"Are you feeling better?" He asked.

"Yes, thank you" I smiled at him

"So, john is getting a notice that you'll be with us, as your foster family!!! Isn't that great!!! But... Uhm you uh and john are gonna have to go to Court..."

"I don't want to see that mother fucker again!!!" I said a little to loud.

"Sorry...." I said looking down at my hands.

"Its ok, I would be pissed too" she said taking a seat too.

As we ate I noticed josh looking at me over and over as if trying to get every single detail of me.

"So... When is the Court date?" I asked.

"Monday" she saidvtaking a forkful of her food.

"That's in two days!" I almost choked on my food.

"Yeah, but don't be nervous just tell them what you told us... And about your mother..." She looked sorry as she said that.

"I wanna get it over with" I said.

"Don't we all..." She replied.


"Do you promise to tell the truth and only the truth" the man said as I hand my left hand on the book and my right in the air.

As I sat in the court thingy and waited for one of the lawyers to come interview me.

"So is it true you weren't there the night of your mother's murder?"

" I wasn't..." I said as I knew where this is heading.

"And you didn't come home till TWO hours later after the incident"

"Correct" I started shaking.

" your honor the night of the incident eight investigators did what they could to find any evidence of who was guilty and none of them pointed to the boy's step father"

I looked at john and saw he had a bandage around his head but I could still see him smiling at me evilly.

"That's all I had to say your honor" the lawyer said walking back to his seat beside john.

My lawyer then got up to interview me...

An hour had happened and we were released for a recess.

"I think you're gonna win the case! There's more against him!" Josh said.

"I hope so" Elena looked as nervous as ever as did josh.


We all took our seats as I did with my lawyer.

"The jury have come with a conclusion" he said looking at the paper.

"The court declares John Evergreen innocent of the murder of Rose Blackwood!"

I felt my heart drop and my face flush. This can't be happening...

"But John evergreen will be charged for assult and abuse of Rylon Blackwood"

I felt tears falling down my face. But I felt numb.... Then reality came back as hard as ever.

I began crying loudly. I looked over at him and saw him smiling.


"I'm gonna get our revenge, just wait and see! I'm gonna fucking kill you!!!" I jumped out of my seat and ran to him, but before I could reach him a security guard pulled me back.

"I'm not gonna rest until I get justice the death of my mother!" I yelled before walking out.

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