He's Long Gone

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As we went back to the hotel it was completely awkward. We didn't talk at all.

"Here we are" he said in a stern voice. I looked over at him and saw him clenching his jaw and squeezed the steering wheel with his hand.

"I'm sorry" I said quietly before getting out.

My heart felt cold and it spread pain across my chest, this is my fault. If I just stayed home none of this would have happened!
This is what I get...

Think think!!! What if I just ignore him! Yeah, then I'd start to hate him. Yeah that always works.

As I got to my room I turned on the lights. Bed! I love you bed!

I fell on it and not too later did I get a message...

'Hey rylon' not again!!! It was from the unknown number

'What do you want from me???'

'Too bad your date didn't go too well'

My heart dropped. Who is this??? What do they want from me??? My heart started beating fast. I became angry, scared, and depressed.

I ran to where I kept my boy clothes hidden.

"Bullshit you know Rylon is alive!" I said to myself as I threw my clothes on the bed.

I opened the door to the porch, I got out an aluminum bucket from one of the shelves and put it outside. I came rushing back in to get the clothes on the bed and matches.

I threw the clothes in the bucket and lit a match.

"Rylon Blackwood is dead...." I said throwing the match on the clothes. It soon caught on fire.

I inhaled the smoke and somehow it relaxed me.

I didn't realize it but I felt tears rushing down my face. What's wrong with me? Why do I feel like this?

"What's on fire???" I heard josh say As he raced past the door to get out.

"What are you doing???" He said getting a vase then throwing the water on the fire.

"Burning what's left of Rylon" I said before walking away. I had that one feeling again. The feeling of adrenaline mixed with evil....

"Are you gonna tell me?" He said pulling me from my arm.

"Leave me alone... I'm going out" I said walking back to the room.

"What? At this time? Rylon! You can't risk getting caught! I'm not letting you!" He said crossing his arms. I felt a little bad for acting like a bitch but I still have to have freedom...

"My name's not Rylon. My name's Kara" I said dropping my skirt and pulling off my shirt causing josh to look at me with wide eyes.

"You like what you see?" I said walking to him.

"Tell me Josh... Are you gay... Are you straight?" I asked. Running my finger down his torso.

"What are y-you doing?" He asked. As I felt him shaking.

"Don't you think I look good enough to fuck josh?" I asked flipping my hair back and pushing my "boobs" up.

"I thought you were a straight boy..." I said in a baby voice.

"I am! Put on some clothes Rylon!" He said trying to push me away.

"I'm going yo the club, I'll be back in the morning" I seriously didn't know what was running through my head.... But it felt so good...

I slipped on black crop top and a tight black short skirt. I put my hair down and curled it. Then I applied a red lipstick.

"Bye bye, joshy poo, be back before you know it..." I said blowing a kiss to him before heading out.

I called a taxi and somehow ended up outside of a huge club.
I pushed up my "boobs" and walked into the club.

I felt the sudden temperature increase and the smell of alcohol as the men opened the door. I walked in and saw pink lights flashing on the giant crowd of people. I walked over to the bar and sat at one of the chairs.

"Hey sexy... Want a drink?" I heard a guy sit next to me.

"Sure" I said smiling at him he had on a tight black shirt and had black hair with green eyes. He had a tattoo of a dragon on his right arm that changed shape when he flexed. He looked really familiar but I decided to ignore it.

"Why are you all alone, shouldn't a sexy woman like you have someone to be with?" He asked putting his hand on my thigh

"Guys here just can't fulfill my needs" I said flipping my hair.

"Whoa!!! Such a strong woman.... I can help you with that... If you let me" he said looking at me with evil eyes as he ran his hand up my thigh making me shiver from his touch.

"Thank you but no thank you" I said taking the drink and drinking it. I felt a hot burning sensation come from it, but it only made me feel more alive.

"C'mon don't make me beg..." He said trailing his hand to my butt.

"Its a weekday... Dont you work tomorrow?" I asked getting tired of him.

"No, my boss don't care. As long as I get the job done then John don't care" I felt my face flush as I heard the name then my face went hot. Then I saw the start of a great future coming. I know there's more than one john... But there's only one way to find out...

"Tell me about your boss he seems cool... Who knows, maybe you and I could work together, and have fun..." I said turning over to him. He looked at me with wide eyes.

"Uhm uh. Well I uh. Its top secret.." He said looking away from me.... Wait... I know where he's from!!! That mother fucker is the one who tried to kill me! Bingo!

"How about we get out of here..." I said getting up.

"There's no need. This is also a hotel... Come on I already have a suite" he said grabbing me by my waist.

I hope he had a fun night tonight, it looks like its gonna be his last one...

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